Monday, May 31, 2010


How easy it is to take the little puppy that someone has tossed into the woods behind us into our home for the night. Tomorrow we will take her to the local dog shelter. We have no idea her health conditions, she has been fed and has a comfortable spot on the back porch.

This is the second contact I have had today with someone that needed someone to care about them. The other was a young girl. She is lashing out at everyone. Part of you wants to turn her over your knees, and the bigger part of you wants to hold her and make her listen to you tell her you love her.

I did get a chance to tell her today I did love her and she told me people should hate her. I shared with her that I as able to love her and will continue to love her because I look at her through the eyes of Jesus.

I would love to bring her home as I did the puppy. But then I would get in trouble, with the law, as she is underage. What causes a child to turn out this way, to feel that not only does no one love them, but sadder the fact they do not feel they should be loved?

God has been taken out of so much in our country, the bad part is God has been taken out of the children.

For God so loved the world that He came into the world, that the world through Him might be saved…

…suffer the little children to come unto Him…

We can take a puppy into our home but cannot pick up the children of the street. How sad the world is…….

Please pray for Brittany

God Bless Indeed

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