Wednesday, June 09, 2010


If your enemy is the King’s enemy, then your battle is the King’s battle.

Let’s go back to school again. Do you remember the class bully? Yeah we all had one. They were mean to everyone, always picking fights on little children, until one day someone stood up to him. Then we all looked to this one kid, as long as he was around, the bully left us alone. This kid usually liked this because we would give him the extra candy or cake in our lunches. It was nice to have someone have our back.

Proverbs 10:13 In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found; but a rod for the back of him that is void of understanding.

When we belong to the Lord, those that come against us have a battle not with us but with the Lord.

‘Would you rather me hit you, or God?’ This is a saying that I have said before. See I am not going to try to fight you, I am going to pray for you. But the point is this if I hit you, you will hit back. If God hits you, well it is not going to be nice. Now don’t misunderstand God does not go around hitting people with His fist. No, but when we give our battles to the Lord, He takes care of them. We do not have to go out and fight, we hold our banners high and stand.

God Bless Indeed

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