Thursday, August 12, 2010


As Christians, we can turn our losing season around quickly. But the first thing we must do is swallow our pride and admit that we have to start doing things differently. The Bible calls this “repentance”. It is simply admitting we were wrong and turning away from the things that are causing us defeat.

The next thing we must do is call on the expert. We must go with a proven winner and ask Him to make some changes in our lives. Jesus said, “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in…” Here we have the ultimate coach standing outside our locker room door! This is the guy who wrote the playbook that is guaranteed to win and He wants to coach us, but we have to let Him in.

Finally, we must give up control. If we truly want God to make changes in our lives, we must give Him full control. It may require some emotionally difficult sacrifices. But God sees the whole picture. He knows how to make us winners. We need to back off, shut up and let go.

All of us have losing seasons. It’s a part of life. But we are not meant to stay there, repeating the same failures over and over. Are you tired of losing more battles than you win? Then admit your mistakes (confession), turn from your failed ways (repentance) and give God control (submission). When you do that, you’re ready for a new season – a winning one.

by Randy Robison

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