Wednesday, September 01, 2010


One of the more frequent emails we keep receiving from people is how can they get victory over some of the heavier sin areas they have been caught up in and bound up in for quite some time like pornography, drugs, alcohol, homosexual lifestyle, etc.

Over the years, I have seen God roll up His sleeves and get right down there into the trenches with those Christians who were having a hard time in pulling out of some of these heavier types of sin areas. I have seen God do this so many times, that I now have a slang expression for it when I see it occur, and that slang expression is "trench warfare."

God will not turn His back on you and forsake you if by chance you are still bound up in a heavier type of sin area. If you keep seeking and praying for His deliverance and help, He will move in to pull you out of these addictive type behaviors.

For those of you who are still caught up and bound up with some of these heavier types of sins, this article will give you a very basic and simple three step process you can take with the Lord that should end up giving you the victory over your stronghold areas. These three steps may seem simple and basic, but I have seen them work time and time again with the Lord over the years.

If either you or someone else you know is bound up in a certain sin area, and either you or they still have not been able to break completely away from it, here is the link to this new article if you would like to see our commentary on this part of our walk with the Lord.

Again, God will not give up on you and leave you to fend for yourself. God will roll up His sleeves and get right down there with you in the trenches as long as you stay in the battle with Him. And God will stay with you no matter how long it will take to get the job done as long as you do not quit and give up on Him.

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