Monday, September 13, 2010


I wash and clean, not because its my job but because I love you.

I prepare and cook a hot meal for you not because I am hungry, but because I love you.

I manage things in our home so that you are able to do the things you have chosen to do and go where you need to go, because I love you.

I forget about the things I would like to have and get what you have asked for, because I love you.

I put aside money and save so that we can give you the things you think you need in this life, while knowing its only to bless you with something you would like to have.

I watch you grow up, sometimes make mistakes even though you didn't heed the warnings, I watch you grow and learn from those mistakes, often wishing I could carry the burden for you, but knowing in order for you to learn you must experience the consequences, because I love you.

I used to rock you to asleep after a long day of cleaning house, fixing supper, washing and folding clothes, tending to everyones needs, all because I loved you.

My heart holds so much love for you, my child, more than you could ever know, well until you hold your child in your arms one day. Then you will understand how everyday Daddy and I were motivated by our love for you, to get up early to go to work, to clean house, to organize life in an orderly way so that you may be comfortable. Why? Because we see how Christ was motivated by His love for us, in order that we may have a more abundant life. So my prayer for you today is that you understand Christ's Love for You, and how His Love can motivate our hearts to serve each other in Love. Please My child, rest assure and know I love you.

Angel @

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