Saturday, September 04, 2010


In Acts 1: 4-5 Jesus tells the disciples to remain in Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit. He goes on to tell them they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, and they will be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.

While the disciples were waiting on the Spirit, Peter stood up and suggested the 12th Apostle position should be filled. Personally, I think this was a mistake on his part. "Wait a minute," you say, "Didn't you just point out the positive attributes of Peter's leadership?" Yes I did, however, I believe God intended the 12th Apostle to be Paul. Matthias (the one chosen by the Apostles) is never mentioned again. Yet we all know the tremendous influence of Paul in the New Testament.

Think about how comical this must appear from the Lord's perspective. The apostles (led by Peter) decide the 12th position is empty and therefore it needs to be filled (appropriately reasoned). The only problem is - it is they who chose the two men; cast lots; then declare it must be the Lord's will. Clearly, the Lord had a different man in mind that wasn't offered as an option. How often are we guilty of asking the Lord, "Should I go here or there?" What if the Lord's intent for my life is neither of those two choices? So what's my point? My main point is: When the Lord tells you to wait, you should wait on all decisions, not just the major ones. My secondary point is: No matter how badly we mess up when we're trying to "help" the Lord, He is always in control.

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