Monday, September 20, 2010


John 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

Christ will refuse none who come to him; all such are given by the Father and he came to do the Father's will. To play an independent part in showing to world the divine and the human side of salvation. The discovery of their guilt, danger, and remedy, by the teaching of the Holy Spirit, makes men willing and glad to come, and to give up every thing which hinders coming to Him for salvation. The Father's will is, that not one of those who were given to the Son, should be rejected or lost by Him. No one will come, till Divine grace has subdued, and in part changed his heart; therefore no one who comes will ever be cast out.

The gospel finds none willing to be saved in the humbling, holy manner, made known therein; but God draws with His word and the Holy Ghost; and man's duty is to hear and learn; that is to say, to receive the grace offered, and consent to the promise.

Once we accept Christ, the grace and all His promises are ours. They are not only for our use but are to be used by sharing all He has given us with others. They will do us no good by just plain keeping them all to ourselves. Our lives should reflect what has been taught to us by God's Holy Word. If they see no difference in us once we say we have accepted Christ then why should they want to accept Him?

Remember Jesus didn't come to do His will, but the will of Him who sent Him. So let's start doing the will of the One who is sending us.

God's Blessing to all,

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