Sunday, October 24, 2010


Jesus said that we will be known for our love for one another. His unconditional Love that draws us to the Father and draws us in Faith into a confident relationship with God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son. This love bares all things, this love motivates us to serve Him with a renewed passion daily and to share His love with others. Jesus spoke over and over again about relationships throughout the New Testament from the Prodigal Son, to Lazarus, Mary and Martha, to addressing His mother at the wedding and so many parables where Jesus is laying the foundation of Love! Even before and after Peter denied Him, Jesus refered to Peter as His brother and one He loved. Jesus Knew Peter would sin against Him, yet He let Him stay at the feast of the Last supper, and then after Jesus rose from the dead and spent days with the apostles, He asked and Told Peter, "Peter do you Love me? Then Feed my sheep." Encouraging Peter to Press On in Faith extending His love to others. Christ saw Peter's heart. Christ could of casted Peter out of His presence, but He didn't, Jesus Christ saw the potential of His Love manifested and working through Peter, and Wow! Look at the ministry for Christ, that Love motivated Him to accomplish even to His death he proclaimed the Love of Christ. So, today, as I look at my life, and around me, I Thank GOD for His Amazing Love, His Love drew me from the depths of sin, into His Loving Grace and Salvation. And His Love has drawn some of the best loving friends in my life bringing Joy and reminding me constantly of the Hope we have in Christ, encouraging each other in love and God's Peace. Witnessing God at work around us brings us so much Hope for our future. And Hearing How God is bringing others through difficult situations brings me JOY in knowing, that what He is doing for others and He can and will do for me. He will complete the GOOD Work in me until the Day of Christ Jesus! [Phil.1:6] I so Thank God that He has placed loving caring Christian Ladies in my life that are real with me and I can be real with, and share our disappointments, our hurts, and most importantly our Praise Reports when God answers our prayers or moves mountains like Only His Love Can! Thank You Lord, for my friends who I call Treasures of Love!


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