Saturday, October 16, 2010


Ten Before Eleven
By Milan Ford

I made a startling discovery not too long ago. My oldest daughter, now four, asked me late one afternoon to read the brand new Dr. Seuss book her grandmother had just sent to her in the mail. Being a big fan of Dr. Seuss ever since I was a kid, and even a bigger fan of the sparkle in my daughter's eye whenever she would ask me to read to her, I quickly obliged.

So I sat my daughter next to me on the couch, opened the new book, and began to read. But just before I was about to turn over the first page of the book, it happened.

On page 4, it happened. On page 9, it happened.
And on page 14 and 15, it happened again.

I stopped reading and asked my daughter if it was okay if we could take a little break. Puzzled as to why I stopped so suddenly, she slowly and (as any four year-old would) reluctantly agreed. I put the book down and went into bedroom where my wife was sleeping, and frantically tried to wake her up, something I wouldn't normally do.

After she woke up and turned to me with that 'this-really-better-be-good' look on her face, she asked me what was wrong. I took a deep breath, and then told her...

"...I keep SKIPPING words."

I explained how while reading to my daughter, I kept skipping over certain adjectives and prepositions as if I had already read the book before, making many of the sentences I was reading to her incomplete and at times, confusing. It was though my eyes were in a race to the finish each page, which caused me to have to go back at times and reread certain words.

While my reaction to this newfound discovery was one of fright, my wife's reaction was totally different. She burst into laughter and told me in a very calm and reassuring tone...

"...I've known THIS (about you) for some time now."

Overjoyed that my wife was not going to send me to the local psychiatric ward, I began to wonder if I was the only one with this problem. But after flipping through a few religious television channels later that evening, I realized it wasn't me at all. This is a problem most in the Body of Christ have today.

I would argue that over the past five, perhaps even ten years, when it comes to providing the Body of Christ with a renewed hope and faith in God, no passage of scripture has been referenced and recited more than Jeremiah 29:11. I'm sure you've heard of it:

"For I know the plans that I have towards you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Sunday after Sunday, and at times, channel after channel, millions of believers all over the world are encouraged with the message of an all-knowing, all-powerful God who loves us and has plans to give us a successful and bright future in Him. To know that God, despite all of our shortcomings, would be mindful of us in such a way is truly incredible.

However, what is interesting about this particular passage of scripture is not the words that are found within it, but rather in the words that come BEFORE it.

Take a look now at VERSE 10: "For thus says the Lord: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform my good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place..."

Did you catch that? If not, allow me to help you.

The entire 29th chapter of Jeremiah consists of a letter that was delivered to the King of Judah by the prophet Jeremiah; a letter that prophesied that the land of Jerusalem (all 10,000 of its citizens) would be taking captive by the infamous tyrant and ruler of Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar. I dare you to do a background check on him; he's got quite the record.

Within this letter, God shares with Jerusalem that while He indeed has thoughts and plans to prosper them, their future successes will only come AFTER a period of great trial and pain.

A period that lasted seventy years.
(So why is that important to remember on today, you ask?)

Simply because I want you to know that SUCCESS, while something we all desire and often dream of, does not happen overnight. True success (in God) comes through process.

Now more than ever before, we as believers must exercise patience not only with the reading of God's word, but also when it comes to our personal lives and goals. Our desire to get to the end of our struggle must not be at the expense of truly appreciating our struggle.

You are in the middle of a great story. One that is marked for great success.
Just remember, as it is with math, or the pages of a children's book, so it is with scripture:

TEN always comes before ELEVEN.

Scripture Of The Day: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

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