Monday, October 11, 2010


Many childhood memories come to mind and many saying My Mom use to tell us. But lately, I have been hearing one of Mom's favorites quotes, "This Too Shall Pass." She said it often when difficult times would occur. When I was little, and I would cut my foot or stepped on a nail, and I cried, She would hold me and tell me "This too shall pass." And it did! Then When I was a teenager and my heart was broken and I cried, she held me and talked to me, then told me, "This too shall pass." and it did!! When I was married and our kids were little, times were tough, and we were sick, Moma told me again, "This too shall pass." You know each level as the the trials intesified, Mom's advice seem to fit. Even though in the midst of the trial, her words didn't seem to comfort me all that much, but I knew she was right. Now as I face more difficult trials in life, and there are days where Peace is such a Valuable Commodity, I find myself repeating her words to comfort my hurting heart, "This Too Shall pass." Because now I understand in stating this short quote, I am professing Hope for my situation! Just as a rain storm moves into our city and pours out all it has to dump on us in a small time, then the storm moves on. Leaving behind many small droplets of shining lil pieces of evidence that the storm has passed. And then there is peace. So no matter what you are going through today, know that Our God says He will never leave you nor forsake you and know that This Too shall pass and there will be Peace.

God's Peace,

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