Thursday, December 02, 2010


The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps. — Proverbs 16:9 NRSV

I want a reason to get up in the morning. When I ask God for a sense of personal destiny, and then listen carefully, I get a sense of direction. Not always, and not always immediately, but I rely on God’s promise to consistently guide me toward fulfilling the purpose for which he created me.

I know that nothing any of us experiences is pointless or useless. The good, the bad, the ugly, even the things we think will kill us—God uses it all, and he devises our destiny out of the stuff in our trash. He sifts it out, shows us the value, and then uses us to help others because of it.

When we look at the desires of our hearts in light of reality, we know none of them is achievable all the time. They’re changeable, like the weather. Some days we’re content; others we’re not. There are places in the world we feel completely at home, others less so. There are even days when we wonder if we have a purpose at all, and the uncertainty lingers for a while. But our desires give shape and substance to our unique essences. And when we pray out of the depth of those desires, our faith is strengthened and our fellowship with the Lord is sweeter

— Luci Swindoll

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