Sunday, February 20, 2011


By Pastor Deborah L. Butler

You can draw the anointing of Jesus into your life to the point that it works all the time.

Jesus is in the healing business. We find that out in Matthew chapters 4, 9, 10, and 14. Matthew 14:14 tells us that Jesus was moved with compassion, and then healed all sicknesses and diseases. Now compassion is a manifestation of love. So He taught, He preached, He was moved with love, and He healed. Now, since He is the Son of Love, then He is Love. And you can't separate Him from love. For He is always moved with love. He is always moved with compassion. So He is continually healing us.

Now, your healing is not based on whether or not someone else failed to receive the manifestation of healing. It is based on God's word.

A lot of us don't have our healing because we know somebody that we thought was a great Christian and they didn't get healed. And because we can't measure up to them then we certainly can't get healed. But we need to understand, that is between them and God. You receiving your healing is between you and God. And God has provided for you His Word to read, meditate upon, believe and receive for yourself. He loves you so much that He sent Jesus, the Son of Love, to save you, deliver you, and heal you. Now, receive your healing today, not based upon another person, but based upon the word of God. Just know that Jesus is still in the healing business.

Scripture Of The Day: "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed." - 1 Peter 2:24

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