Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Autumn this year in the mountains of my home has been truly spectacular. It is like an angel artist has been assigned to paint each tree in the most glorious colors imaginable. Perhaps it is the wisdom of age that has helped my eyes to see more clearly. Still, to me the leaves have never looked as beautiful as they do this Fall.

One tree in my backyard has especially caught my attention. Every year before this one its leaves had always turned to a rich, vibrant red in October. This year, though, the entire tree was bathed in the most outrageous orange. It was both delightful and amazing to watch this tree suddenly change its colors.

Looking at that bright, orange beacon in my backyard made me think too of how we can go about changing our own colors. I remember when cold, dark hues colored my own heart, soul, and mind. I remember when fear, apathy, and selfishness colored my life. I remember when my only thoughts were of my own wants, needs, and desires. It was an ugly picture indeed. One day, however, I am not sure exactly when, that picture started to change. It started with a single brush stroke, one kind act, and one loving thought. This was followed by another and another.

Each one brought a new dab of color and brightness into my heart, soul, and mind. Slowly, choice by choice, moment by moment, and day by day I began to turn the cold, dark, miserable November of my life into a warm, shining, and loving October.

God in His endless love never ceases to give us fresh chances to change our colors, change our lives, and change the world. Each day is full of new opportunities to paint our hearts, souls, and minds with the brightness of love. Each day is full of moments to bring the colors of joy to this often drab world. We are the artists of our own lives. May we forever color them beautiful.

…..Joseph J. Mazzella ( by way of "Christian Voices" (

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