Saturday, March 12, 2011


Acts 7:17a"As the time drew near for God to fulfill his promise to Abraham…"

Sometimes I have difficulty with the idea that I might not experience the resolution of a problem in my lifetime. Abraham certainly didn't see God's promise fulfilled in his lifetime, or for many generations to follow, but God was faithful nonetheless. Abraham knew God; and God knew Abraham.

As I watched football last weekend, one of the commentators was talking about how the receiver had "read the defense." I thought how interesting that not only does the quarterback read a defense but the receiver does the same thing, and as a result the receiver's route is adjusted and the pass play is completed. The quarterback "knows" what the receiver will do, and the receiver "knows" what the quarterback will do in any given situation. How does this happen? It happens after years of working together, countless hours of practice and study, and lot's of experience.

What do you "know" about God? Do you live according to this knowledge? Do you trust Him? Sometimes it seems so much easier to trust in a quarterback -- with the game on the line -- to throw the ball to the correct spot at just the right time, yet do we have the same kind of faith in God, the creator of the universe? How do we get that kind of faith? I believe it comes from -- "years of working together, countless hours of practice and study, and lot's of experience." You get to know God by spending a lot of time with Him.

What does God know about you? He certainly knows how much you trust Him, but can you be trusted? When God has a mission, will He throw you the ball? Will you have run the proper pass route? If not, how can you begin spending more time with God today?

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