Saturday, April 30, 2011


John Chapter 9.

While I was reading this chapter a couple of things jumped out at me.

When asked who had sinned, the boy or the parents. Jesus said neither. He was born blind so the works of the One who sent Him could be manifested through Him. We must work while there is still light, but the night cometh when no man can work. As long as Jesus is in the world there is light. After saying all (verses 1 – 5), He spit on the ground and with the spittle and the clay He anointed the eyes of the man born blind from birth. Then Jesus told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam (which means “Sent”). After doing as he was instructed, he came back seeing. Some said it was him but yet others said it was somebody who looked like him. But he said it is I. The people wanted to know who was this man? The one who was blind but now can see said, “He is called Jesus.” Then of course they wanted to know where this man called Jesus was. The man said he didn’t know. So they just had to take the once blind man to the Pharisees so that once again he could repeat the story of how he was healed and who healed him. (verses 6-13)

Now wouldn’t you know that it was the Sabbath on which Jesus healed this man. So therefore He couldn’t be a man of God because He didn’t keep the Sabbath. As usual in all things they were divided, some believed and some didn’t. Well, they didn’t believe the healed man, so they went to his parents house. Yes, they confirmed that he was their son and he was of age so they should ask him. So, back to the used be blind man they went. They wanted him to tell them again who and how he was healed. He reply that he had told them once and they didn’t hear him. He was told to give God the praise cause the One who healed him was a sinner. The man didn’t care that they reviled him and told him they were Moses’ disciples and they didn’t even know where the Healer was. What a marvelous thing that they didn’t know where He was or where He came from. In all the teaching from the beginning of time NO ONE had ever had blind eyes healed. He continued to tell them that if He wasn’t from God, then wouldn’t hear Him. (verses 13-33)

When Jesus heard about his ordeal, He came to him and asked him if he believed on the Son of God. The man replied to show him where He was and he would believe. Jesus told him, “Thou hast both seen him, and it is He that talketh with thee.” That man said ‘I believe and worshiped Him.

The things that jumped out at me are verses 22 and 34. His parents were afraid of the Jews and of being thrown out of the synagogue (22) and the Pharisees got mad cause the healed one was teaching them so they threw him out of the synagogue (34).

Doesn’t that remind you of a lot of us today? We are so afraid of saying the wrong thing, like admitting that we are a child of God, to those around us because they won’t have anything else to do with us and throw us away. We want to take the easy way and be accepted here on earth. That leaves heaven out for a bunch of folks.

If we will remain blind to all the earthly going on, we will see the Kingdom of God.

Which is more important to you? The earth, things and people’s approval or only seeing Jesus and His approval?

God’s blessing to each of you,


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