Sunday, June 26, 2011


Granny C used to tell us if we couldn’t say something nice to say nothing at all. People who knew her will tell you they never heard her say a bad word against anyone. Oh to be more like Granny C. What we have a problem with is being politically correct, about some things. We can be polite about somethings, but why can we not express our opinion without someone trying to burn us at the stake.

The very beliefs this country was founded on are being taken away from us. We feel you have the right to do what you want anyway you want, as long as it does not affect others, and that means anybody. If someone chooses to not follow the Bible the way we do, we respect that right. But do not push your beliefs on us.

We would love for all to desire to live for Christ, according to His Word. But we respect your right to choose not to.

So incorrect as some might think us to be, we will not judge others, but we will not accept your lifestyles.

To many there is celebration going on this weekend, we feel like wearing a black armband. It is like we are watching this country slowly killing itself. The more we have removed God from our lives the worst this country has become. Is it just me that sees this?

There is only one thing we can do as Christians and that is PRAY for the USA. Stand for what we know is truth and don’t back down. As I heard one person ask “Why weren’t the people allowed to vote for this?”

One other thing PRAY for our President, that is right. The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders, it doesn’t matter if we voted for him or not, he needs our prayers.

If we have offended anyone we are sorry, we still feel the way we do, and that is the Bible is right.

God Bless


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