Thursday, June 09, 2011


This week we wrote about obeying the Law and Grace. Last night God brought the teachings back to my mind, with the statement "No one has to obey the Law." I pondered on that and thought no it is their own choice.

Questions were brought to us during this time, do we have to tithe; go to church? Again, it is your choice.

God wants us to live for Him because we choose to, not because we are forced. How many of us have asked one of our children to do something to see them walk off, rolling their eyes, whispering under their breathe. We are glad they are doing what we asked, but would be happier if they did it wihtout the extremes. And if your children have never done anything like this, then please get on your knees and thank God, you have do idea how blessed you are.

Choice to do what we want, the way we want, when we want. Certainly this is not something we would let our children do. With God it is what He wants, the way He wants, when He wants. Just like the Father He is, He lets us choose. We both know from personal experience that His way is bigger, better and much easier. Oh to be able to go back in time and do it His way, our lifes would be so different.

As we sit here today, life has not gone as we planned always. Things that we wanted have as of yet to happen, not that we have stopped believing for some things. We are happy were we are and know wihtout a doubt we are blessed. God has been very good to us, and that is His Grace. Grave the unmeritied favor that He shines down on us.

Today we pray for each of you reading this that His Grace with guide and strengthen you. May His love shine on you. Choose to live for Christ. The rewards are worth every turn you make for Him.

May God Bless and keep you all the days of your life. [Remember if you belong to Him, you have eternal life--so it will never end.]


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