Friday, August 26, 2011


Genesis 4:9
And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?

We cannot turn on the television or pick up a newspaper without seeing violence that is going on all around us. A few days ago we had a shooting at our Jr. High School, this is a small town and we only have one . A fight had started the day before and the next day the guy who lost brought a gun. Thank the Lord no body was shot. The police said the boy was shooting at them, the fact is the boy was shooting in the air, the FACT is it does not matter. I know the shots were not fired at the police because one of these boys talked to me today. Why do I believe him because some of these boys know they can talk to me. They also know I don't bite my tongue with them either.

Two young boys both headed to time in jail if not prison,came by my house today. One I have known for a few years. His Dad and Uncle are both in prison. This young man is facing 2 felony charges and 3 other charges, he is 16. He will turn 17 real soon, about the time he goes to court. He is trying to raise money by selling drugs to pay off some of the charges before court. What could I say to him, be careful! I told him the only thing he can do is seek God, because He is the only One that can help him now, Jesus is the only One that can turn this around. He knows he can come to me anytime, I hope he nevers forgets that.

Reality, what can we do? I am asking you today to look around you, pick out the child you think has the least going for them. You know the one, the one you know it would only take God for this childs life to turn around. We are asking you to put this child on your prayer list, and leave them there. Start praying for someone who looks like they have no one praying for them. You don't have to tell them, it can be between you and God. If we all take just one, we can make a difference.

God Bless

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