Sunday, October 09, 2011


We want to address an issue that has come up in our life’s and we believe has occurred in the life’s of others. Today we are going to write on ‘Care Giver’s’. We include Doctors, Nurses, home care workers, etc. First, let us say that we have been exposed to many that are professional, and even under trying times have given us great care. We say thank you to these who have shown compassion and understanding toward our families and us.
The ones we want to address are those that do not show that professionalism and compassion. In short, they do not take the time to listen to us. LJG and I both have health issues that we have lived with for years. In LJG case, she has a family member living in her home that she has provided care for many years. We are familiar and know the ends and outs of our cases. We know what does and does not work.
We could give plenty of examples here that would fill pages. This is the problem we have; we want you to listen to us. We have addressed these problems for years. We might not be a Nurse or Doctor, but after years of this, we know the treatment that works. You are new to our cases, we are not unconscious, we are awake and alert. Listen to us. I personally have had to tell an ambulance medic that I refuse treatment after he stuck me 4 times in my right hand. LJG had to tell a new hospice worker to leave her home.
If I was unconscious, I would not care how many times I was stuck or bruised but awake I can tell you, inside my left elbow is the fastest and easiest place to get an IV in me. LJG knows the personality of her family member; she knows the calmest ways to work with him.
Listen to us, that is all we are saying. We are not trying to do your job, we are trying to make your job easier by telling you what we know works for us, in a situation that we are very familiar with.
God Bless
The really sad part of this whole thing is that too many family and care givers DO NOT know what is wrong with their family member. Me, on the other hand, has been through it all with him. June 1, 2000, open heart operation, for the whole month. July, 2000, back in ICU with renal failure for the rest of that month. August 2000 back in the hospital with congestive heart failure for the rest of that month. I was right there with him all the time. I went to the doctor appointments so I would know cause he couldn't remember what the doctor would say. His pt inr HAS NEVER been stable. Starting in September 2000 we had to drive to St Vincent down in Riverside five days a week. Then it was four days a week. Then 3 times a week. I had every milligram of Warfarin there is. Back then the blood had to be taken out of a vein. Thank God St Vincent opened a clinic out here in Orange Park and they had come up with a finger stick. His veins are gone. He now has to be butterflied. Trust me if you don't get it the first time you ain't gonna get it. His vein's clot even while you are drawing the blood.
When Hospice first took over his care, the doctor was going through his chart, which ain't a small one, Allison, the Social Worker, told him to call me. He questioned her on whether I would know. So he had Christine call me and ask why was he on Warfarin. He has an AVR St Jude artificial value I told her. Allison told me later that the doctor was in a state of shock that I knew.
As my brother-in-law, Mark, says my personality is LOUD. That's just the way I am. Now trying to claim you don't hear me will not pass muster. As all the personnel of Hospice knows I am LOUD. I have to really think hard, which don't happen often, to talk in a quiet voice.
I do not have RN, LPN or any medical initials behind my name. BUT I do have mama and experience there. I was a CNA in the past and after my third patient died I decided it was time to take a break.
God and Carlos put me in charge of his care. Outside of me, NO ONE and I do mean NO ONE is going to use him as a pin cushion just to prove me wrong. God has given me the strength, ability and He alone guides my path. Carlos will get the best care that is possible as he deserves. He does have enough brain cells left to know a little of what is going on. He will be treated as a normal human beginning or you won't treat him.
Justine is the first Hospice Person that has come to our house and showed absolutely NO compassion or feeling. She didn't talk to him. She was more worried about me cause she had me so upset my oxygen dropped and my nails and lips were turning blue. I told her I was not the patient and I would be fine I was under the care of God as is Carlos and it was time to go.
I do not go out of my way to be nasty to people UNLESS I see you mistreat a person less fortunate than you. Then I am the unnicest person you will ever meet.
Please, please always remember to treat a person who is not in good health as you would like to be treated. They did not ask for this disease to come on them. With Jesus all things are possible. Jesus showed compassion which tells us we are too.
Jesus is my rock and He keeps renewing me as He does the Eagles. Thank You Jesus,

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