Monday, December 26, 2011


The excitement, the countdown, the expectation of it all. We stand strong and brave and voice our opinions and finally Christmas arrived. Now what?
He is here 24/7 for each one of us, never failing us, though we fail Him repeatly, what do we do now? Many will put Him in a box with the decorations to be packed away for another year. Until it is time again to voice our ‘I have a right ‘opinion. Oh, the voices that cry out for their rights at this time of the year. I love the Lord, it is the reason for the season, and I have a right to worship my God. Oh yes, we shout and carry on don’t we.
Now the gifts unwrapped, the bills and money we spend screaming in our face. The gifts that are now underfoot, broken after a few days, where may I ask is our God in all this?
Why I ask do we not get this excited about Him all of the year. I do not believe He would mind. In fact, I think He would be thrilled, maybe just maybe we will realize that He is still here. There is so much He wants us to know about Him. Do we dare open that door and invite Him to be a part of our life? What about making our life’s all about Him 24/7 like He did for us.
We understand you are busy; you cannot stay in church all day. Well Jesus [which is God] does not live in any building except the one‘s He built which is each of us. You and I that is where He wants to live all the time.
HOWEVER, we have a question for you today, think, and ponder on it. Do you expect God to be there, answer your prayers, and talk to you as you do to Him? If you put off time to spend with Him, do you want him to wait the same amount of time answering you. How would you feel if He repeated back to you the same words each time He talked to you? We cannot imagine Him saying, “Yeah I heard you, I’ll get back to you later.”
So is it really over? The decision is yours, you have free will. Now the question is what are you going to do with it?
God Bless

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