Tuesday, January 10, 2012


This next Bible verse is another major one that all Christians need to get worked into their walk with the Lord. This one right here will determine whether or not you fulfill all of your divine destiny for the Lord in this lifetime.

This first verse I will give you will tell us that we have to obey God in this life, not man. Here it is, and then I will point out a few key things on this verse and the second verse that follows right after it:

1. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)

2. “If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.” (Job 36:11)

When the first verse tell us that we have to obey God in this life instead of man, that includes even your parents and your best friends. If your parents are wanting you to be a doctor, but God is calling you to be a great pastor of a church, then you will have to go with God’s call on your life, not what your parents are wanting you to be.

If your parents and friends are telling you to marry the person you are dating, but then God comes along and tells you this is not the person He has in mind for you to marry, then again, you have to listen to and obey God with what He is telling you to do, not your family and your friends.

As we have said before, we believe that God has a perfect divine plan and destiny set up for each person’s life if they are willing to yield to it. But you will never reach that divine destiny and totally fulfill it unless you are willing to fully obey God every step of the way.

Notice the 2nd verse above says that “if” they obey and serve God, they shall spend their days in prosperity. The key word is “if” – if they obey God and they do what He tells them to do as they journey through this life.

Your life is like a chessboard to the Lord and He has to be the One to tell you not only what specific chess moves to make, but exactly to when to make those specific chess moves, as many of these chess moves in your life will have a major timing factor on them.

Again, we cannot emphasize this divine truth strongly enough. I do not have to tell you how many landmines that are out there that could totally derail you on your walk with the Lord – and only God knows where those landmines are located at, and only He can show you how to navigate around them so you do not lose your chance to fulfill all of your divine destiny for Him.

Many Christians have have their lives cut completely short with an early death because they would not be obedient to the Lord with the specific instructions He was giving them.

Remember – Father always knows best. Simply obey God every step of the way as you embark on His divine plan and destiny for you life, and you will then reach your own personal finish line in the Lord with all of your divine destiny fully completed for Him.


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