Wednesday, January 18, 2012


In our hurry to get this ready something was overlooked that was right in front of me. Tonight as I went to sit I saw this book right in front of me. Opening the first page I said Thank You Lord, for reminding me of this. I pray you will forgive me also, as it should be a big help to you all.


When we pick up a book to read, we expect it to clearly let us know what direction it is going in. Even when we don't know the name of a character, we can follow along. Oh if the Bible was set in such a simple easy to read format. Instead we have four men telling a story four different ways. And that is only the beginning. There are some guidelines that if we know will help us to understand why the Bible is laid out the way it is.

There are twenty-seven books in the New Testament, they are divided into three different kinds of books. Commonly known as Historical, Pauline and General these books guide us as to what is being told. In a Historical book we can expect history, Pauline would be about Paul, no they are books of instruction, as are the General books.
Historical books include the first fivebooks, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the book of Acts. These books include the story of Christ and the church He established.
Pauline are the letters that were written to churches then, that includes the next 13 books.
The final nine books are letters written to churches and individuals.

We are now looking at the first four books of the Historical group. It is in the fifth book that we see the church set up.

So again forgive me and now lets go forward.


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