Friday, February 24, 2012


Song of Solomon 1:4a - "Draw me! We will run after you! The king

brings me into his apartments! We will be glad and rejoice in you!" (AMP)

One of the expressions -- quotations in my little treasure box, which I open at my daily devotion time -- reads: "Life's pain is inevitable, but misery is optional." Yes, God never takes away the free choices we have each day, week, month, year.

Another expression reads; "Every day has at least two handles. We can take hold of the handle of enthusiasm or the handle of anxiety. We have the opportunity and the free choice."

We are called; we are chosen. We can choose to be faithful to God's calls and choices for us. We can choose to drive out our negative thinking, doing, and speaking; to drive out our low self-esteem and low self-respect. We can choose to turn from bitterness, unforgiveness, and unbelief, from memories of past adverse events and failures. We can turn around and face a fresh and refreshing future with confidence in our great and perfect God.

As God's chosen children, do let us be fair and just in recognizing that as we make our choices and decisions this year, our choices and decisions turn around and make us, according to the choices and decisions we have made.

As Jeremiah 31:18b reminds us - "Turn thou me, and I shall be turned; for thou art the Lord my God." (KJV)

With a choice of rejoicing and gladness, we will magnify the Lord. The first person to whom He will be magnified is ourselves, and in our own lives. We would do well to read Mary's song in Luke 1:46b-55. It begins, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior." (NKJV)

As we choose to run after our Lord, as we choose to be drawn by Him, we will always find reasons for gladness, rejoicing, and lasting joy in our lives. We will ever have the honour and privilege of testifying to those enquiring about the enthusiasm, hope, and joy which we emit.

We can choose never to cease rejoicing in the adoration of and blessing in the name of Jesus, making Him the crowned King of our hearts and lives.

…..Rosemary Renninson ( by way of Eternal Ink ( and “Christian Voices” (

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