Today I wanted to share something on my heart about giving. Yesterday my husband came across a local Pastor who became well known on every social media site with lightening speed.
In just a few hours the spotlight shinned brightly on this woman but in a very negative way. First, I will say she made a poor choice which she regretted later. She apologized for her actions “Praise God”.
This article by no means is meant to “slam” her rather encourage all of us to think before we act. I respect her for making her wrong a right which shows courage and humility.
Motives in our hearts can indicate strengths and weaknesses. It’s vital that we allow God to help us understand and overcome areas of weakness.
When we humble ourselves before our Lord that positions us to receive His Wisdom. This is one lesson everyone can learn from. Transparency is key and Paul knew that very well as He stated in 2 Corinthians 11 Verse 30
Here’s a summary of the story with a link to the full story and here. She wrote that she gives God 10% so why do you get 18%?
A pastor says when she left a snide comment on a receipt, she did use bad judgement, but she did leave a tip. The St. Louis pastor found herself at the center of a viral mess when her receipt was posted to the online site, “Reddit”. It happened at an area Applebee’s Restaurant, according to the pastor.
“What they didn’t show is the money that I left and that we all left on the table,” said Pastor Bell. She says she left $6.29 on the table and her credit card was also charged the tip amount. Everyone else at the table also left tips in cash.
When the receipt was posted to Reddit, reportedly by a server, people started sending her messages. “I’ve actually been harassed because of this and it doesn’t tell the whole story,” Pastor Bell says. While she admits it was a lapse in judgement, she says she and her ministry do good work around the community and would never want to tarnish the light of Christianity.
Now that you read the story let’s continue. I hear so many people quote “I give my 10% to God”.
Now let me ask you a question. Has God poured out His Goodness in your life?
Some might say well, it’s been one trial after another, one suffering after another…I’ve had a rough life… your not alone in your struggle and I can surely relate!
However, even through much suffering I personally have endured either because of my own poor choices or situations out of my control, I can still look back and see God’s Goodness being poured into my life.
From His Love, Protection, Provision, Mercy, Kindness, Grace the list is endless. I can see how much Goodness He showers me with. Take a moment and reflect back through your life and you will begin to see His Goodness.
Personally, I believe that 10% should be a “starting place.” Of course, some would say they can’t afford or have a hard time even giving 10%.
My response is to do whatever is purposed in your heart. There are endless ways to give and every one of us should give beyond.
Why? Simply because of having a heart full of gratitude. A heart that is full of gratitude gives out of an overflow of God’s Goodness. Not to boast or to be seen by others for the Word states in Matthew 6:
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.
“So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
Shouldn’t we want to look for ways to bless others because of God’s Goodness?
A reward from God is wonderful but even so, shouldn’t we have the mindset of wanting to go beyond, to look for ways to show someone God’s Love through our giving?
Our family dines out every so often but we purpose in our hearts that if we are not able to give abundantly to whom is serving us then we don’t go out. We wait until we have the means to bless abundantly.
I don’t say this to boast but to share the mindset we have. Our family loves to give out of a heart full of gratitude. Not only is it important to have a mindset of giving beyond it also teaches our children to give!
Our daughter who is in college, called me the other day with so much joy in her heart. She was so overjoyed as she shared with me what she had done.
She was standing in line at McDonald’s to purchase breakfast and she responded to our Lord as He directed her to pay for a middle-aged man standing behind her.
As she swiped her card the man was puzzled and said to her “Why would you do that?” She responded “I just felt led to and I hope you have a very blessed day!”
Joy flooded my heart as she shared with me. She said “Mom I prayed for him and asked the Lord if He wasn’t saved that this would be a seed planted that someone else can water at a later time.”
She said “This man may be going through a very difficult time and something so simple can make such a big difference for him.”
This is not the first time she has responded to the Lord. There are many times where she didn’t hear the Lord direct her but out of a grateful heart she responds to hurting people to give them a glimpse of hope, an act of love.
Children see what their parents do. They watch and see how their parents act and what they do. One of the best gifts you can give to your children is by “living a lifestyle” to give to others. Living out this mindset will become contagious to those around you.
Another example of giving.
One day our daughter came to me grinning ear to ear, “Mom will you pay for my haircut?” I gave her a look like …hmmm ok.
After her haircut she gave the lady the money I gave her and then to my surprise she had the lady swipe her card for the same amount of another haircut!
Needless to say the lady was shocked but so thankful!
After we left I said what did you do? She laughed and said “I asked you to pay for my haircut because I wanted to give her a good tip and I didn’t have enough money to do both.”
Wow. Do you see how she has adopted the mindset of giving? Remember what I stated about dinning out?
You see don’t just give the bare minimum but give out of abundance. Give with a thankful heart. A heart full of gratitude.
Over the years I have witnessed that many people who give are ones who have not much but give what they have. It reminds me of the story of the widow in Luke21
And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury.And He saw a poor widow putting in two small copper coins.And He said, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them;for they all out of their surplus put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on.”
Always remember it all belongs to God. Everything.
It’s not about how much surplus you acquire. It’s about having the mindset of giving. It’s not something that is birthed automatically but through the work of the Holy Spirit “cultivating” within us this lifestyle.
Also, let’s make sure that we do not chastise anyone rather lovingly show others by our actions. There is a powerful statement I once heard that’s profound.
“Preach always but if you must use words.”
Actions will speak louder than words. Praise God this Pastor recognized her poor choice and made it right.
We all make mistakes and fall short. Let’s pray for her and each other that God will “cultivate” our hearts to give abundantly above and beyond out of a heart full of gratitude! Amen.
Be blessed,
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