When we as Believers, come into the full knowledge and understanding, that we belong to Christ and as such, He has provided us with exclusive membership in the Christian Heavenly Bank Account, we need to let our hearts overflow with Thanksgiving and Praise.
As we seek to embrace the life Christ chooses to follow, sharing all, let us do the same with a heart filled with thanksgiving and praise. Freedom in Jesus Christ moves us to higher levels where we have access to blessings our mortal minds can only imagine. Choosing to ignore the vastness and magnitude of such riches through grace and mercy is like choosing to ignore the “promise.” With a heart filled with thanksgiving and praise we enter a realm of wealth where all our needs are met.
In the book of Ephesians, it is addressed to a group of believers who are rich beyond measures inJesus Christ. Even though these believers lived in faith, they were living as beggars only because they were ignorant of their wealth, the Source of all necessities. In this letter written by Paul the Apostle is a description of what is readily available to all of us through Jesus Christ.
Now as you read this paragraph, I encourage you to think deeply on it, Meditate on it, pray about it as you allow it to bring you truly into the full manifestation of knowledge, power and understanding of what Christ has provided for those of us who truly believe in Him. This is what your Membership provides for you inThe Christians‘ heavenly “bank account”: adoption, acceptance, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, inheritance, the seal of the Holy Spirit, life, grace, citizenship, peace, in other words every spiritual blessing that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ, is provided for all believers withMembership in the Christian Heavenly Bank Account.”
Christians should always remember that this is a spiritual walk rooted in spiritual wealth, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works …that we should walk in them”(1-3); (4-6); (2:10).
We are blessed by God our Master who takes us to high places of blessing in him. Even before the earth’s foundation, he had us in mind and we are the sole focus of his love to be made whole and holy. Long ago that he made the decision to adopt us into his family through his Son Jesus Christ. The sole purpose is for us to share in his grace, love and mercy so that we enter into the celebration of his lavish gift giving by the hand of his beloved Son.
“The Promise” makes us complete by acceptance into the Family, a family based on genuine love and care for one another. We no longer have to wander, the kingdom of faith is our home country, and we all belong here. We are part of God’s eternal plan, as he construct and build his kingdom block by block we are included in the process of laying a solid foundation. We see it taking place day by day–a holy templebuilt by God. God is a God of immense mercy and incredible love. Through his Son we are alive, picked up from where we are and now accepted into highest heaven with him, it’s his gift to us.
We’ve been redeemed, repurchased, paid for, that is the Promise to mankind. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we can consider ourselves redeemed, he has paid the price. Following the pattern and plan of Christ Jesus we become one in our purpose, attitude, goal and work. And able to become united and filled with the joy he offers we must be willing to humble ourselves and change our way of thinking. We must “be renewed in the Spirit of our minds”(Ephesians 4:23; Romans 12:2 andColossians 3:10). Imagine the depth of such blessings lavished on us because “we have been redeemed, paid for, praises our most High God, God of the entire universe.
With our hearts filled with thanksgiving and praise let us be mindful of the “sacrifice” that has allowed each of us the opportunity to share in many blessings as a favor from God our Master. Grasp the gift in love, joy, peace and harmony.
May each one of your lives be filled with love, laughter, joy and peace everlasting. This is my prayer for you, thank you for visiting, and studying with us. We love you and appreciate each one of you for your participation in the building of God’s Kingdom. You are truly a blessing to our soul.
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