Friday, February 15, 2013



Knowing the distinction is how we develop into strong believers of faith in Jesus Christ and his teachings. Thepredator seeks out his target, devise a plan and then set about to conquer and devour. The Redeemer plucks you from the unsettled state and offers life filled with grace, mercy, joy and hope, and provides all that’s necessary through the Holy Spirit that keeps you safe and grounded. The Predator seeks to kill steal and destroy your hope, to derail you from the purpose God created you with and or for.
It is not a desire to break from the teachings, it’s being able torecognize when we find ourselves in a place that robs us of our hopes and dreams that we seek forgiveness through the Redeemer.
Perfection is a goal we all would like to reach, but as long as these bodies of clay exist we will find ourselves in the presence of the predator. When we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us we know that it is through Christ that redemptive power lives and gives us hope.
God is a living Spirit (a living personal presence) which gives us freedom from those things that holds us in bondage. The scripture reminds us, “let nothing separate us from God’s Love,” when we enter his presence it is to be done so in holy reverence, he beckons us to come.  Those who do not understand the true meaning of God are those looking or going the wrong way while refusing to give thought to whatGod and his message is all about.  It seems that all they have eyes for is the fashionable god of darkness (the Predator); thinking he can give them what they want, so they rather not bother believing a truth they cannot see.
Jesus has given us the brightness of his message: if we follow the pattern we know it is determined that we must guard our hearts because the Predator never sleeps. Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will  deceive many(Matthew 24:4NIV), he went on to say, the one who stands firm to the end will be saved (13).”
Knowing the distinction between Predator and Redeemer sets God’s chosen apart, for they are chosen by God for the high calling of priestly work, to be a holy people. These are God’s chosen instruments to do his work, to get the message out to others; he takes nothing and makes something, he takes the rejected and makes them accepted (1Peter 2:8-10, MSG).
Let us not think for one moment that we are not within eye-sight of the Predator; after all, he’s been around since creation and to this day as in the days of Job. As scripture revels, One day when the angels came to report to God, Satan, the Designated Accuser, came along with them, God singled out Satan and said,” What have you been up to?” Satan answered God, “Going here and there, checking things out on earth.”(Job 1:6-7, MGS) This very moment in time he is still “checking things out on earth” the predator.
What a God we serve! Our Redeemer lives, Christ suffered because of other’s sins, Righteous for unrighteous; he went through death–then was made alive–to bring us to God. Through his sacrifice we are given a chance to choose and make decisions in order to become a part of who he really is, the choice is ours.

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