Sometimes we blind ourselves to the consequences of our own thinking because we cannot face those consequences. In other words our own thinking and reasoning can get in the way of doing God's will.
We have done a number of things in our life that the Lord has told us to do that in and of ourselves we never would have done. How many of us have shared something with another, to afterwords say I would have never told them that. We know it had to be God, for us it was totally out of character.
If we would have given any thought to some of the things that the Lord as had us do, we are sure they probably would not have gotten done. We are also sure that if we looked back in life we can remember times when we thought about doing something and didn't. Lord forgive us for those times, that were from You.
We pray that all of us can look at our life's and say I obeyed the Lord when I did such and such. And even more so, we did it out of love for Him, sometimes without even knowing that is why we did it. We just knew to do it. Not for a reward, nor gain, just because we were led to do it.
There are two things that I know if the Lord would ave given me time to think, I never would have done on my own. The first was to walk up to a total stranger and tell her not to let Doctors do surgery on her child. The second was to reach over and take off a woman's shoe, who was sitting beside me, and rub her feet, we were outside in front of a store. It was the right time and place for both to happen. Even now it surprises me that I did it.
The consequences of our actions did not matter because we 'were about our Father's business.' By being prayed up in the Spirit of the Lord we are able to hear from Him and know that we were to do what He said to do. Not to start thinking: But we don't know these people; They will thin we are crazy; There are people looking. None of that mattered.
Let your conscience {the Spirit of God}, not your thinking consequences be your guide.
God Bless,
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