Thursday, April 04, 2013


English: Resurrection of Christ
English: Resurrection of Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
According to scripture Jesus fellowship and gave his chosen followers final instructions as he promised. Remember, he said in three days he would return, keeping his promise.  Easter day is a time of celebration, but do we continue the celebration according to thepattern of Jesus, do we strive to follow in his foot-steps by observing how he shared final acts of love until he returns.
Jesus didn’t leave the same day he resurrected; after his death, he presentedhimself alive to his disciples in many different settings over a period of forty days. He talked to them face-to-face about things concerning the kingdom of God. So, the journey is not ended with Easter Sunday,we are given hope and encouragement to continue the same mission required of his disciples and other followers.
As they sat and talked he told them to “wait”for the promise, the Holy Spirit and when it comes they would be filled with power to accomplish even greater things. These were his last words. As they watched, he was taken up and disappeared in the clouds. Standing there gazing into the sky two men appeared–in white robes, they asked “why do you stand there looking up at an empty sky? This very Jesus who was taken up from among you to heaven will come as certainly–and mysterious –as he left.” (Acts 1:1-14)
Christians every-where who’ve taken time to study, learn and listen, are quiet familiar with what occurred following Jesus’ ascent to the Father. The point is that as we study we come to the knowledge and understanding that Jesus didn’t leave the same day he resurrected. There was a promise to fulfill and that promise would come to be known as the “Upper Room Experience.” The disciples and women who had been close followers of Jesus agreed that they were in this for good, completely in prayer, united, allon one accord.
The “Upper Room Experience” occurred while every-one had gathered in prayer in one place. Scripture describes it as such; without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, a gale force–no one could tell where it came from. Stop and think for a moment, when-ever you experience presence of wind, I’ll say on a windy day, look around, feel the breeze of the wind as it moves from one point to another, you’re not able to distinguish it’s pattern.  In the “upper room experience, as the force surrounded those gathered, it filled the whole building , then like a wild fire, the Holy Spirit touched each person there and they were so filled (the energy force) that they started speaking in many different languages as the Spirit prompted them.
The promise had arrived with joy, anointing and high praise just as Jesus had promised.
Jesus didn’t leave the same day he resurrected because there were finishing touches to be added and reaffirmation of love to be shared that would seal the final moments of his earthly journey. We continue on in that journey with assurance that he watches over us and has given the Holy Spirit to strengthen and encourage our hearts as we continue to blend his pattern by following his instructions in living. Our journey continues until he comes back to claim his own. Let us all consider the “upper room experience” and we will soon understand that “power” surrounds us at all times.

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