Sunday, May 12, 2013


[Memorial to Momma, Jennie Estelle Barber Carter]

Today I shall not cry for Momma, I know where she is.  She lived a wonderful life, that did include love and pain.  She lived it though with a love for Christ.  No, I shall not cry for Momma today.

I miss her in so many ways.  I would love to lay my head on her shoulder one more time, and check the 'icebox' to be sure she had milk.  But I shall not cry any tears today.

It would be nice to tell her again I am sorry, but I told her, she knew at the end, I was not bad.  She knew D and I loved her.

I shall not cry as I remember my young child telling her it was okay, she could go home now.  Knowing she was going to Heaven.

I did though at the last try to hold on, shouted her name "Momma", but then I let go.  Momma wanted so to go home.

Betty Davis eyes.  Yesterday I held the door for a lady and her eyes brought back memories.  I told her Betty Davis eyes.  She said 'eyes so blue'.

There are always reminders of you Momma.  You are still here with me, as I drink a cup of milk coffee and watch for my red cardinals.  I shall not cry for you Momma.

On streets of gold she walks, with others who have gone.  She walks and talks with Jesus, yes she sits at the foot of His throne.

What a joy to be with Jesus.  'The Circle Shall Be Unbroken, in the sweet by and by' how can I cry for Momma when she lives with Jesus.

Her circle is now unbroken.  In the future more spokes shall be added, she waits.  She waits with Jesus.  No I shall not cry for Momma, she is home.

My wish for each of you is that you have or had a Mom that you know is or will be in heaven waiting for you.

A special Happy Mother's Day to some woman who have stepped into the roll of Mom for me at times in my life.  God Bless you for being there when I needed you  Linda, Louise,Amalie.

Happy Mother's Day be at peace and with joy.  I pray you cry no tears today for your Momma.

God Bless


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