When a person loses their big toe they lose their balance. Without their big toe they have to relearn how to walk. Even though we can learn to compensate, all parts are important. We also know that something is missing.
We in the Body of Christ have many parts, and it takes all parts to be complete. That is why we all have different gifts [jobs] because it takes us being together to be whole.
Our question today is who is the big toe to the names you know? We all know of Billy Graham, his wife Ruth though is less famous, even though she has written books. Martin Luther transformed the way we looked at the Bible, but who sparked the interest in him to do what he did. How many know the name of T. D. Jakes' wife or mother. The list could go go. Why did your own Pastor become a Pastor, who was praying and still praying for him? Who is responsible for the clean rest rooms at your church? Mows the grass?
They might be referred to as the little people, behind the scenes folks. Point is it is these that make the world go around smoothly.
God in His wisdom knows that to be complete all the parts have to work and fit together to be a whole, complete.
The first shall be last, and the last shall be first. Who does God use in your life to give you balance in your walk with the Lord Jesus.
God Bless
Labels: blogging, careers, dating, dreams, faith, goals, health, hopes, jobs, life relationships, plans, poetry, relationships, religion, romance, sermons, travel, work, writing
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