From being in a Nursing Home myself, I saw all the mama's that had been driven away and left. It seemed to them never to be remembered no more. They listened for the familiar footsteps coming down the hallway, only to find they never came. ...Each night they cried themselves to sleep and often wondered why this had happened to them. No amount of visits or encouragement seemed to help. Oh, it made them happy for a little while but their own children's love is what was needed.
Oh yes, like me, they understood their babies had their own life now with their family and even knew that they really meant to come, but something was always so much more important that needed the children's attention. So visiting mama was put on the back burner til another day. Surely mama understood.
Then the day came when the children received the "phone call," no need to come down and visit, your mama passed away in her sleep. Her pillow was wet with the last tears she will ever cry over ya'll. I often wonder if a sigh of relief escaped the lips of those children. No more excuses would ever have to be made. No rushed phone calls, when time permitted would ever be placed.
Just remember this, just as you have treated your mama, so will you be in the end.
You may think your mama deserved this kind of treatment for not being a good mama. But please just remember that most mama's tried to be good to their children. Some where and some didn't know how to be anything but the way they are or were.
Mama's understand their babies aren't perfect but loved and loves them in spite of all their short comings. Don't mama's deserve the same understand from you children?
Some mama's don't have wealth or worldly goods to give but most of us have so much love to give. To each of my five children, Tad, Joyce, Lora, Lynn and Odie, you are the reason my heart beats. To each of my children, who aren't of my blood, Amanda Rose Estelle, Curtis, Billy, Janice, Matt, Emily, Tabitha, and John MacIntosh , each of you are the back up heartbeats. Without each of you my heart would stop. So on this day and every day, I LOVE YOU. I pray God will bless each of you with abundance in all you do.
Shirley Caesar - No Charge

To my grand children and great grand children I am not your mama but ya'll are also in my heart every day. Love your mama's with the same undying love that she has always bestowed on you now and forever.
To my two daugthers-in-laws and my 3 sons-in-laws, please continue to be good to and take care of my babies. I am no longer able to do it so I am counting on you. I love you
love you bye
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