Martin Richard was the 8 year old boy who died in the Boston Bomb blast that injured more than 176 people including his mother, Denise, and his seven-year-old sister Jane. They are in the hospital with serious injuries along with many other victims. (Photo by The Telegraph)
Good Morning to all our Brothers and Sisters, where ever you may be in the world and if it isSUNDAY, it is PRAYER, PRAISE AND WORSHIP SERVICE here at VINE AND BRANCH WORLD MINISTRIES. Know thatGod has His eye on all of us and He is watching everything we do. The Whole Worldis in His hands and He is molding and shaping us for His Glory. Tragedy will come and it will past, and through it all we must lift each other up with our prayers and blessings of praise and thanksgiving to the One present that controls all things in the Universe. Today, we honor those who lost their lives in the harbor and senseless bombing in Boston a few days ago. The victims and their families who are suffering from the many injuries sustained in the blast. The first responders, the many heroes who rushed in risking their own lives to help their brothers and sisters, The Nurses, Doctors, law enforcement that put their lives on the line to bring to justice the ones who committed the crimes. We are truly a blessed people, because our faith keeps us grounded while God keeps watch over all that we do. Now let us begin this morning service with an old time favorite gospel by one of the world’s greatest voices of all times and that is non other than MAHALIA JACKSON singing HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS.
Now continue with us as you read and meditate on the Spiritual Meal for this Special Sunday Morning as it is ministered by our own Sister Shirley Rhodes:
All around us today we are experiencing change at home and abroad, we are witnessing The Worlds’ Stage as it Shifts before our very eyes. Everywhere you look there seems to be discord, anger, hatred and frustration so much so that no one seems to know the answer. In order to get a clear understanding of all that is occurring right now we must turn to God for answers because he is the “key” one so many of us have moved to second place in our lives. The time and season is now, to refocus and set our priorities in the proper order.
Jesus reminds us that he is the Light of the world (John 8:12) and he is the Bread of life (John 6:8). In order that we may be able to endure the many evils of this world we must place him at the center of our lives every moment because we are witnessing the world stage as it shifts before our eyes.
In light of the recent bombings and shootings we must not lose hope. Now is the time to reach out to families who’ve suffered loss of love ones, experienced emotional and physical changes as a result of evil that lurks about seeking whom they can destroy.
No one knows: as the world stage shifts before our eyes:
It’s true that no one knows what’s going to happen, or when, who’s around us to say? No one can control the wind or lock it in a box. No one has any say so regarding the day of death; no one can stop a battle in its tracks; no one who does evil can be saved by evil. As long as men and women have power to hurt each other, this is the way it is. If you keep your eyes open day and night without blinking you’ll never figure out the meaning of what God is doing on earth. The good, the wise, and all they do are in God’s hands–but day to day, whether love or hate they’re dealing with, they don’t know. Everyone is lumped together in one fate; Life leads to death, that’s it (Ecclesiastes 8:7-17; 9:1-6 Mgs).
Reassurance as the world stage shifts before our eyes:
God is working behind the scenes, he has not forgotten you, his eyes are on every man, woman and child. His angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray, his ears picks up every moan and groan. We may not see him but rest assured that there is no night dark enough, no shadow deep enough to hide those who do evil. God’s eye is on those who respect him, the ones looking for love. He is ready to come to their rescue in bad times; in lean times, he is the one who keeps it all together.
Now pause your thoughts for a moment, click on this next video clip and listen to this beautiful song of how God is watching over all of us night and day, day and night. It is done so beautifully by Tari Ferrairi and the Mississippi Children Choir.
Remember my friends God knows more about our weary hearts than we do ourselves. If you are experiencing a broken heart, a broken spirit, if you are crying out for help, he is listening ready to lift you up above your present circumstance. Allow him to come in and fellowship with you. In him you’ll find peace that surpasses all the madness and chaos the world offers. Remember that as the world stage shifts before our eyes we must remain focused on the prize. Distress brings us closer to God; we find that we become more concerned, sensitive, passionate and responsible to the needs of others.
Finally, be reminded, as God told Joshua, I will be with you, I will not fail nor forsake you; be strong, be courageous for I am with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:5-9). As the world stage shifts before our eyes we must look up, lift up and keep moving while living in expectancy of a greater tomorrow.
Now click on our final video for our Morning Prayer for this tragedy.
We hope that this service have been a blessing to all of you who took the time to sit in on the entire service for this day. Please share it with others so that they may have the opportunity to receive the blessings you have. Now you pray for us and we will pray for you. Together, we can move mountains and change the hearts and minds of the entire world. May God’s grace and mercy be with you throughout the rest of your life here on this earth. In Jesus name, AMEN!
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