It is the morning after, and where do our hearts and thoughts stand? Have we as a country turned completely from God? Do any feel that God is standing back, saying you have reaped what you have sown! On 9-11, 12 years ago and in the days following, this country cried together, pulled together and prayed together. How soon we appear to forget. This country, the United States of America was formed by people who were escaping to have religious freedom. We are in fact the only country that will let you worship as you please. And yet this very Country that allows that, is now being told that we offend others because we believe we should each have that freedom. We the USA are allowing a few to dictate to us that we should not hold to the very freedoms that we built this county on. We are yes allowing a few, that the majority has elected, tell us that we have to follow after their ways. Is this not why we have impeachment proceedings? Might I ask will we raise our voices and be heard in the next election? Or shall we remain silent as we did when O’Hara first argued to take the Bible out of schools.
Mary had a little Lamb, it followed her to school. Yes that Lamb went everywhere Mary went, because it was the Lamb, Jesus Christ. We though have allowed others to tell us where to put our Lamb. He, our Lamb is no longer First and foremost in our homes, our life’s, our neighborhoods, our schools, and sadly He is not in most churches.
Yet yesterday a day to remember, what did you post on your Face Book page? What did you Twitter? How many actually did something to remember: the dead, the lost, the injured, the one's left behind? How many of our schools raised the flag to lower it to half mast yesterday, how many businesses?
And yet if another USA attack happened today, would we briefly look to the heavens and cry Abba Father God help us? Deliver us from our enemies, while we stand back and let our leaders yet bring them to the table without them asking forgiveness and invite them to eat with us? Where do we in fact have to end up, before our eyes are opened? Do we have to be as other countries and have to stand by and watch as our children and loved ones are beaten, limbs chopped off, be raped and sodomized, and yet even then slowly killed before our eyes, because we refuse to denounce God, Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior. Could we even stand up and watch, listen to the screams? Where do we the USA draw our red line, red for the blood of Christ that was shed for us. Where do we draw our red line.
God Bless
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