![THE FREEDOM OF A BIRD When you love something you must release it, [set it free] if it returns back to you it was meant for you, if it does not return it was not meant for you in the first place. BY PASTOR DAVIS](
THE FREEDOM OF A BIRD When you love something you must release it, [set it free] if it returns back to you it was meant for you, if it does not return it was not meant for you in the first place. BY PASTOR DAVIS
Release is an aspect of circulation. Release things or people that you no longer need or desire in your life. When you give material things away that you no longer use or want, you make room for what you want to come into your life. Sell or give those things away to people who find better value in them. Release friends and people who no longer serve in your best interest because of their limited mindset or negativity, to make room for new and better ones that do. When you release or leave the lesser, you’ll find that the better thing or person you’ve been waiting for will be able to show up.
Let go of negative emotions due to loss so that you can allow positive restoration to enter. When you hold a grudge, essentially you are denying your connection to creation. You somehow think that you can be made a lesser person, or that your wealth can be taken away, or even that someone can do irreparable harm to you. All those things are impossible. You have as part of your basic nature all you need to be whole. You have that because you are made of the substance that makes everything.
If someone steals from you, or if your property is damaged, you can easily replenish it, provided you are in the flow. If someone hurts your body, miracles can heal it, provided you are in the flow. If someone belittles you, the knowledge of who you are and what your potential is, casts off the remarks like water on a duck’s back, provided you are in the flow.
Unresolved grudges deny who you are. They seem to give truth to your limitations and vulnerability. Then by your invitation, the flow appears to be cut off. Since the flow can’t actually stop, what is happening? Well, the flow is simply creating what you’re expecting. When you think you can be irreparably injured, that is what manifests. When you think someone can take away your abundance, or a part of it, that is what manifests.
Let go of disappointments and failures because they are just part of the journey to achieving success. You are not remembered by the number of failures you make, but by the number of successes you make. People, who have achieved immense success in life, always encounter lots of failures and made lots of mistakes along the way. They still make mistakes as they achieve further success, but they are willing to let go of it all because they know the secret is to keep moving and not be stuck.
Have the attitude of detachment and testing, and having another action to take. Having something else better to be occupied with if you can’t do what you want at the moment. Have the mindset of taking action and seeing if it succeeds, but still persisting as far as you can go anyway. Be persistent yet able to detach. Have the power to hold on to and let go when you want to, and as you wish. Decide and act only according to your wisdom and not anyone’s idea of what you should or should not do.
Your desires can manifest faster when you are detached because of two reasons. The first is that you do not give off negative vibrations with feelings of worry, fear, anxiety, disappointment and regret, because you are able to let go of all negative experiences and keep going on with the fulfillment of your intention in mind. The second is that you keep yourself open to a range of other possibilities and pathways by which your desires can manifest.
Always allow the possibility that you are guided towards something better. Remember that the universe is not limited. If you miss one opportunity to manifest your intention, another one will open up. Another and another. The string of opportunity never runs out. You are able to notice and take the next one if you will let go of the previous one and be free to observe. The universe brings forth everything you desire and nothing is being withheld from you.
Abundance is a flow. You will always have abundance if you are able to let go and remain in the flow. When something is taken away, something else will replace it. Otherwise what was taken from you will come back to you with even more than before. Knowing that this is how the universe and God works, you can be free from fear and worry about losing anything. Let go and you can remain happy, and what you want will flow to you.
My Dear Friends, let me encourage you to keep your eyes on the prize, and that is Jesus Christ. He is the author and finisher of your faith. When you do this, you can remain in the flow, run with patience as you let go of all the negative weights that are holding you back from receiving your blessings. What better time than right now to release them so God can take you to that high place of prosperity that He has waiting for you.
This message is not complete, we encourage you to come into our SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER, PRAISE AND WORSHIP SERVICE, which is title: RELEASE YOUR CHAINS AND RUN WITH PATIENCE THE RACE OF FAITH. It is truly an exciting lesson so please join us beginning at 0700 every Sunday Morning. May you have a blessed and prospers weekend in the name of Jesus.
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