In the midst of our deepest valleys we can find strength in the Lord. We have all been at a point where we felt, when will it end, I can take no more. There is also the place were we say ‘Lord strengthen me, so I can complete this task You have set before me. Then sometimes the Lord will just strengthen us, because He knows we have need of it.
Did our Jesus ever have the need to be strengthened? Matthew 4:11 ‘Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.’
We can think that we have gone through alot. Jesus had fasted for 40 days, no food or drink. That is when the devil choose to attack Him, our Lord and Savior. This was Jesus at what appears to be His weakest, in fact Jesus was at His strongest.
Now let us look further into the Word. Luke 22:43 'Then the angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him.’ This is the night before He was crucified. Just before Jesus had asked 'Lord if thou will take this cup; not My will, Yours, be done.’ Luke 22:42 After the angel had strengthen Him, we read verse 44, 'And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.’ When He finished praying He got up to search for His disciples, whom He found sleeping.
Yes it is true we really do feel that nothing worst can come against us, that we have reached the end of the rope. After reading those scriptures where do we stand now? There is nothing in this world that our own Lord and Savior has not felt, either in His personal life, or in our life’s that He has borne for us.
While we can and should lift each other in prayer, we need to stop and remember Him who has paid for it all, felt it all, and still is standing strong enough for you and I, for us all.
God Bless
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