WOOHOO! Let's Do this Thing!
by Lisa Mikitarian on August 16, 2013And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 NIV).Adventure! "Woo-Hoo! Let's Do This Thing!" Adventure... — Risk-taking, danger, a bold and wild and exciting undertaking, a rendezvous with the unknown. "But I'm not the adventurous type" — how often do we hear that? Or conversely, "Lord, take me away from the monotony of life and give me some adventure!" Some people flee from it. Some people are stuck on it. I may be part of the second group. This had me concerned, so I took a closer look at the word itself. The root word of adventure is "advent" — meaning the coming or arrival. The root word of venture "vent" meaning to come. The prefix "ad" means to or toward. The suffix "ure" means an act or result. Therefore, adventure — as my mind comprehends it — is either the act of coming forward or the result of coming forward. Either works for me. The act of going towards something involves some amount of risk — aka, adventure. We hope for a favorable outcome, but we don't really know. That's why when I ask my friend, Beth, what day she's getting home, she says, "Tomorrow. Lord willing." She recognizes that the plane may be delayed or explode en route or some other thing may happen to delay or deter or divert her. There are no guarantees in this world. The result of moving forward is that we become risk-takers. We experience some amount of adventure.

If you got married, then you are adventurous.
If you had children, then you are adventurous. If you got out of bed this morning, then you are adventurous. By now the naysayers are saying: but there's a humongous difference between moving forward after calculated and comprehensive mental thought processes, versus WOO-HOO — let's do this thing!!!!! Maybe so. Maybe so. It might be helpful if we look at an adventurous spirit on a continuum. Some are higher functioning adventurers, some are lower. And though we need some of each in the body of Christ, no matter where we land on the spectrum, we should nurture our adventurous side because heavenly faith demands earthly risk. Without risk, nothing is accomplished. Everything from greeting a stranger, to helping the homeless, to forgiving your spouse, your friends, your children of their trespasses one more time. I want to calculate less, and do more, believe more — because more often than not, calculating means looking out for numero uno — me, instead of the other guy. Whatever risks we take, whatever mistakes are made therein, God works these things to our good.

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