We are shocked to see a child chained to a gate, then we read that she is being made to watch as her parents are killed. Now I want you to go a step further. I am going to make some of you mad, some will not want to finish reading. But before I share that with you, I have a question to ask you, what if that was your child? First we have to look at why the parents were being killed. Simply they worshiped the Lord Jesus Christ. No you did not read that in the article, they have to be politically correct with news items. But now I will get to the part that will or should upset you. That beautiful little girl has watched as they cut the hands and feet off her parents. They might have passed out, but they are still very much alive. If unconscious they will be awaken. Other parts of their body will now be cut off, including yes, their genitalia. They will be cut and craved like a Thanksgiving turkey. While alive they cut out their hearts and yes some even eat the hearts.
Finally the parents are dead. Now that beautiful little girl is going to be unchained. She is going to be beaten until she is almost dead. She will then be sexually used in every way possible, still alive she will be told that they are trying to beat her into believing the truth, if she will believe the truth she can live.
These same people who have abused her will take her to a facility where there are other children. Together they will be taught that to know the truth is to live. To believe otherwise, will get them killed.
These same children will now have installed in them that to live is to live for what they believe. To die for what they believe is a sure way to heaven. They will be taught that everyone that doesn't believe the truth as they are taught, is to be killed.
Now I want to step back for a moment and we pray you are still with us on this. Like a good movie we don’t want you to miss any good parts. The United States of America is the only country where you have freedom to worship as you choose.
What has happened to this country is we have allowing blindly the church that killed that child's family and is now raising her to kill as they do, into our country. They are everywhere and we smile at them everyday. Yet we do nothing to stop them, because they tell us they are 'NOT LIKE THAT’.
The following information is ‘old news’ but important to understand what is going on in our country.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda, and 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia. Others were from Egypt, Lebanon, and the UAE. The hijackers were organized into four teams, each led by a pilot-trained hijacker with four "muscle hijackers" who were trained to help subdue the pilots, passengers, and crew.
The first hijackers to arrive in the United States were Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who settled in the San Diego area in January 2000. They were followed by three hijacker-pilots, Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah early in the summer of 2000 to undertake flight training in south Florida. The fourth hijacker-pilot, Hani Hanjour, arrived in San Diego in December 2000. The rest of the "muscle hijackers" arrived in the spring and early summer of 2001, just months before the September 11 attacks.
Now read the following:
Pre attacks
"[W]e've got to tell the Bureau about this. These guys clearly are bad. One of them, at least, has a multiple-entry visa to the U.S. We've got to tell the FBI." And then [the CIA officer] said to me, 'No, it's not the FBI's case, not the FBI's jurisdiction.' "
Mark Rossini, "The Spy Factory"[23]
Before the attacks, FBI agent Robert Wright, Jr. had written vigorous criticisms of FBI's alleged incompetence in investigating terrorists residing within the United States. Wright was part of the Bureau's Chicago counter-terrorism task force and involved in project Vulgar Betrayal which was linked to Yasin al-Qadi.[24]
According to James Bamford, the NSA had picked up communications of al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi back in 1999, but had been hampered by internal bureaucratic conflicts between itself and the CIA, and did not do a full analysis of the information it passed on to the agency. For example; it only passed the first names on, Nawaf and Khalid.[25]
Bamford also claims that the CIA's Alec Station (a unit assigned to bin Laden) knew that al-Mihdhar was planning to come to New York as far back as January 2000. Doug Miller, one of 3 FBI agents working inside the CIA station, tried to send a message (a CIR) to the FBI to alert them about this, so they could put al-Mihdhar on a watch list. His CIA boss, Tom Wilshire, deputy station chief, allegedly denied permission to Miller. Miller asked his associate Mark Rossini for advice; Rossini pressed Wilshire's deputy but was again rebuffed.[26][27]
Bamford also claims that al-Mihdhar and Hazmi wound up living with Abdussattar Shaikh for a time to save money. Shaikh was, coincidentally, an FBI informant, but since they never acted suspiciously around him, he never reported them. The CIA Bangkok station told Alec Station that Hazmi had gone to Los Angeles. None of this information made it back to the FBI headquarters.[28]
People who live and work right next door. People that are described as nice, quite, friendly neighbors. people though that stood for their beliefs and killed over 3000 people and destroyed endless countless life's. Yes we continue to allow them into our country while they promote that they are 'NOT LIKE THAT.’
Excuse us for a moment while we think about that for a bit. They say they are 'not like that’ yet they still stay in that religion group. So they want us to believe they are not like that , but they don’t leave that religion, they hold to its teachings. Teachings that instruct them that any that are not of their belief are infidels and should be killed. People that we have allowed into our country to worship as they choose.
Less we forget, let's review more of 9-11:
Deaths 2,998 (excluding the 19 hijackers)
Injured 6,291+ 2,978 fatalities included the following:
246 aboard the four hijacked planes.[33] Including the 19 hijackers, this includes 76 passengers and 11 crew members aboard American Airlines Flight 11; 49 passengers and 11 crew members aboard United Airlines Flight 175;[34] 53 passengers and 6 crew members aboard American Airlines Flight 77; and 33 passengers and 7 crew members aboard United Airlines Flight 93.[35][36]
2,606 in New York City in the towers and on the ground:[2]
This includes 343 New York City Fire Department firefighters, including one FDNY Fire Chaplain, Franciscan Fr. Mychal Judge,[37] 23 New York City Police Department officers, and 37 Port Authority Police Department officers.[38] Casualties of the 9/11 attacks also included 15 EMTs[39] and 3 Court Officers. Approximately 2,000 first responders were also injured in the attacks.[39]
1,366 people died who were at or above the floors of impact in the North Tower (1 WTC); according to the Commission Report, hundreds were killed instantly by the impact while the rest were trapped and died after the tower collapsed (though a few people were pulled from the rubble, none of them were from above the impact zone).[40]
As many as 600 people were killed instantly or trapped at or above the floors of impact in the South Tower (2 WTC). Only about 18 managed to escape in time from above and in the impact zone and out of the South Tower before it collapsed.
Of those who worked below the impact zones, 110 were among those killed in the attacks. The 9/11 Commission notes that this fact strongly indicates that evacuation below the impact zones was a success, allowing most to safely evacuate before the collapse of the World Trade Center.[41]
A USA Today report estimated that approximately 200 people perished inside the elevators, while only 21 escaped the elevators. Many elevators did not plunge, but were destroyed due to the crash and subsequent fires, or were stranded in the shafts. A locking mechanism prevented escapees and rescuers, with the exception of one elevator, from opening the doors of some of the stranded elevators.[42]
A bomb sniffing dog named Sirius[43] (not included in above total).
The initial numbers are indelible: 8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. Time the burning towers stood: 56 minutes and 102 minutes. Time they took to fall: 12 seconds. From there, they ripple out.
See Also: The Encyclopedia of 9/11
Total number killed in attacks in New York: 2,753
Number of firefighters and paramedics killed: 343
Number of NYPD officers: 23
Number of Port Authority police officers: 37
Number of WTC companies in the towers that lost people: 128
Number of employees who died in Tower One: 1,402
Number of employees who died in Tower Two: 614
Number of employees lost at Cantor Fitzgerald: 658
Number of U.S. troops killed in Operation Enduring Freedom: 2,108
Number of nations whose citizens were killed in attacks: 115
Ratio of men to women who died: 3:1
Age of the greatest number who died: between 35 and 39
Bodies found "intact": 291
Remains found: 21,744
Number of families who got no remains: 1,717
Estimated units of blood donated to the New York Blood Center: 36,000
Total units of donated blood actually used: 258
Number of people who lost a spouse or partner in the attacks: 1,609
Estimated number of children who lost a parent: 3,051
Percentage of Americans who knew someone hurt or killed in the attacks: 20
FDNY retirements, January–July 2001: 274
FDNY retirements, January–July 2002: 661
Number of firefighters on leave for respiratory problems by January 2002: 300
Number of funerals attended by Rudy Giuliani in 2001: 200
Number of FDNY vehicles destroyed: 98
Tons of debris removed from site: 1,506,124
Days fires continued to burn after the attack: 99
Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100
Days the New York Stock Exchange was closed: 6
Point drop in the Dow Jones industrial average when the NYSE reopened: 684.81
Days after 9/11 that the U.S. began bombing Afghanistan: 26
Total number of civil rights complaints reported to the Council on American-Islamic Relations nationwide from 2002 to 2008: 12,962
Economic loss to New York in month following the attacks: $105 billion
Estimated cost of cleanup: $600 million
Total FEMA money spent on the emergency: $970 million
Estimated amount donated to 9/11 charities: $1.4 billion
Estimated amount of insurance paid worldwide related to 9/11: $40.2 billion
Estimated amount of money needed to overhaul lower-Manhattan subways: $7.5 billion
Amount of money granted by U.S. government to overhaul lower-Manhattan subways: $4.55 billion
Estimated amount of money raised for funds dedicated to NYPD and FDNY families: $500 million
Percentage of total charity money raised going to FDNY and NYPD families: 25
Average benefit already received by each FDNY and NYPD widow: $1 million
Percentage increase in law-school applications from 2001 to 2002: 17.9
Percentage increase in Peace Corps applications from 2001 to 2002: 40
Percentage increase in CIA applications from 2001 to 2002: 50
Number of songs Clear Channel Radio considered "inappropriate" to play after 9/11: 150
Number of mentions of 9/11 at the 2002 Oscars: 26
Apartments in lower Manhattan eligible for asbestos cleanup: 23,000
Number of apartments whose residents have requested cleanup and testing: 4,167
Number of Americans who changed their 2001 holiday-travel plans from plane to train or car: 1.4 million
Estimated number of New Yorkers suffering from post-traumatic-stress disorder as a result of 9/11: 422,000
Updated September 2012
Steven Emerson produced a video called ‘Jihad in America’ that went directly into mosques right here in America and showed young Muslims being recruited for holy war against Americans. Leaders there were also teaching about bringing America to its knees through terrorism including the following quote...'blood must flow. There must be widows, orphans.. hands and limbs must be severed and blood must be spread everywhere in order that Allah’s religion can stand on it’s feet.'
As mosques appear across America we need to know that there are now more Muslims in the United States then there are Assemblies of God.
A new survey reveals the dramatically changing face of religion in America, with the number of Muslims in the U.S. soaring 67% in the decade since the 9/11 attacks.With some 6 million adherents in the United States, Islam is said to be the nation's fastest-growing religion, fueled by immigration, high birth rates and widespread conversion. One expert estimates that 25,000 people a year become Muslims in this country; some clerics say they have seen conversion rates quadruple since Sept. 11.46
In the Midwest and parts of the South there are now more Muslims than Jews for the first time. Immigration from parts of the Muslim world and a small rise in conversions are the driving force behind the growth, researchers said.
Remember they are 'NOT LIKE THAT.'
So remember that little girl, and remember that one day she will probably try to kill you to.
God Bless,
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