Tuesday, September 17, 2013


We Are Very Good At Escapism

It's been a hard day. You're bummed. You just want to veg for a bit, not think about things. You grab the TV remote, open the computer, plug in the ear phones or disappear into a novel.
It's been a hard day. You're stressed. There is so much going on. You don't know what decisions to make. You don't want to think about it right now. You should open your Bible. You should pray. You should spend some time in worship to get centered again, but you don't. It's so much easier to watch a movie on NetFlix, scroll through some social networking, go to sleep.
We belong to a society that loves to escape, prefers to be distracted, to major on the minor and hope the important stuff goes away. It is so easy to give in to it; a lot less energy, less emotions, less decision making. Why can't life just leave us alone?
If we turn to the Bible we quickly discover people who tried to avoid life and their responsibility in it. Yes, you are not alone. Adam tried to hide from God so he wouldn't have to face the consequences of his disobedience. Elijah tried to disappear in a cave to avoid confrontation and threats. Peter fled into the cover of the night to avoid the shame after denying Jesus. Maybe it's just tiredness, despair or craziness but somehow we forget who is our God.
Do we really think God doesn't see us in the forest, or the cave or in the dark? Not only does God love us enough to pursue us in all places but he is waiting there for us before we arrive. God knew all our days before we lived one of them. He knew our decisions, moods, reactions, circumstances and he laid down his plans accordingly. The psalmist reminded us:
"Your eyes saw my embryo,      and on your scroll every day was written that was being formed for me,      before any one of them had yet happened." (Psalm 189:16, CEB)
And the psalmist's reaction to this revelation?
"God, your plans are incomprehensible to me!      Their total number is countless! If I tried to count them - they outnumber grains of sand!      If I came to the very end - I'd still be with you." (v. 17-18)
He worshiped. How could he not? Any time we look into the incomprehensible glory of our God our response is worship. And concerning trying escapism on God?
Where could I go to get away from your spirit?
Where could I go to escape your presence?
8 If I went up to heaven, you would be there.
If I went down to the grave,[a] you would be there too!
9 If I could fly on the wings of dawn,
stopping to rest only on the far side of the ocean—
10         even there your hand would guide me;
even there your strong hand would hold me tight!
11 If I said, “The darkness will definitely hide me;
the light will become night around me,”
12     even then the darkness isn’t too dark for you!
Nighttime would shine bright as day,
because darkness is the same as light to you! (Psalm 139:7-12)

There isn't a cave, jungle, or dark night that could ever separate us from the love of God. There isn't a TV show, video game or book that could keep him from pursuing us. Whatever it is that we don't want to face we can do it with God's strength. Whatever we want to avoid we can confront with Jesus in us. He has promised to equip and strengthen us to overcome all things in this world. So don't put it off.
Put down the TV remote. Put the music away. Turn off the xbox. Close your book and allow God to make you aware of his presence. Receive strength. Overflow with blessings. Be all you were ever intended to be. Forgiven. Transformed. Empowered. Possessed. All things are possible through him who gives you strength.
Welcome back to our reality; the reality of the Risen King.

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