As we sit back and get ready for the Sunday afternoon football game do any of us think back to the 11th and what we did to remember that tragic day 12 years ago? A day that sent most all of us to pray. What about today, has the thought of God even crossed your mind. Has He had anytime in your day so far. How much of our country has forgotten 9-11, how many have forgotten God. Well at least until we need Him again in a major way.
It amazes me the things we take for granted. Even water out of a faucet, knowing as I think about it, that there are those that are happy to reach into a filthy puddle of water for a sip. The toilet that flushes so easily knowing that many are using that water in that puddle to relieve themselves. As I go to the refrigerator to get a full glass of something icy cold to drink does it cross my mind how blessed I am. Then I turn to my kitchen counter and prepare a meal of any number of choices, yes how blessed I am to not be thankful to have the same thing each and everyday, if I have anything at all.
Yes I am truly blessed. But have I taken the time to thank the Lord. As many today sit down with a cold one, the first of many, how many are even mindful of the Lord.
Where are our thoughts today as our military in full uniform under a 115% heat swelter to protect the rights of our country, how many thank to ask the Lord to bless them, and keep them safe. How many today will take the time to use the Name of God without a cuss word behind it? How many?
How many will thank God today for anything He has done for us? How Many?
May God be with you even if you are not thinking of Him
PS. God Bless not just an after thought.
Labels: blogging, careers, dating, dreams, faith, goals, health, hopes, life, life relationships, plans, poetry, relationships, religion, romance, sermons, travel, work, writing
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