Friday, September 15, 2006


Friend, I know God has heard my prayer but the problem is still here. Have you done that. I am sure guilty of it. In fact I don't know anyone who isn't. Let's take a step further and see how many "ME TOO's" I can get. Lord I know Your Word says I am healed, and Lord I believe You and Lord I know its done, I believe it Lord, but Lord help me with the unbelief, and I plead the blood over it, but Lord I still hurt, the pain is here and here and it hurts so bad. Lord please stop it Lord. You know I love You Lord why can't I see the healing Lord? Okay I over did it a little, or maybe I didn't.

Guilty as charged! The first time you go to God and tell Him your problem and ask Him to fix it according to His Word, you open the door for Him to go to work on that problem. He knew about the problem before you came to Him. For God to operate you have to bring it to Him, and bring it with His Word. If it is healing then bring a healing scripture. If it is finances bring a prosperity verse. Boldly go before the Lord and ask for what you need with His Word before you. Then leave the problem alone. If it hurts tell it God said I am healed and I am. If it's money and the lights get cut off, tell it I shall prosper. Do not go to God and tell Him how big your problem is, tell your problem how big God is. And then watch what happens. God is made strong in our weakness. When we have done all we can do tell God and STAND and watch what He can do.

As a young Christian one of my hardest lessons to learn was to wait on the hand of the Lord. Then a time came and the lights were off, it was the heat of summer. But this time I stood and I stood , and I stood. The entire time I stood that house was so cool at night we had to sleep with quilts. Nobody knew the lights were off. We had water and we had gas to cook. At night we used lanterns so even a neighbor who thought the lights were off said no their power is on I see lights every night. I got blessed with a job that didn't keep a week in the hole. I took that money and went to the light company and said here this is all I have right now, what is the balance I will pay the rest next week. That lady looked at me and said honey I will not take all your money and I will split the balance up into monthly installments. She told me it is Friday and close to closing time, I will have your lights on first thing Monday morning. Do you think I cried because I would have to wait a few more days, no I walked out of there with my daughter and all the way home we told God how good He was and the lights were on when we got there.

The Word of God says He will not make me shamed, even though I was learning I was not shamed. If you listen to most any Pastor talk about the beginning of their ministry you will hear many stories like that. We did not talk about the problem we talked about the answer.

Whatever your problem is today I ask you to take it before the Lord and leave it with Him and then when it comes to mind say thank you Jesus I know that is taken care of. One thing I love to do when I get a pain is claim my healing and then I sing praises to God. It works every time because God and the devil cannot be in the same place. The devil has to flee at the sound of God's Name.

As always we are yours in Christ,



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