Thursday, October 12, 2006


Today lets take a little time to pray for the family and friends of Cory Lidle, the flight instructor, the others that have died or injured. Let us also remember the ones that have lost their apartments.

This is certainly a very trying time for all involved. We pray God will walk with them during this horrible period of their life.

This is going to be really hard on Cory Lidle's 6 year old son. Losing a parent at such an early age is especially heart breaking. It takes years to over come the loss. You learn to live with the loss, the pain gets lighter but the void will always remain with this child. His thoughts will always return to wonder how it might have been had his daddy lived.

Only those of us who have lost a parent at an early age knows and understands this pain and heartbreak. My daddy died when I was three. God is the only One who can help this child adjust. An adjustment that is no fault of the boy. That is an important lesson this son must come to terms with. He has to learn that only God knows the time and the way of our leaving this world. Not always easy but it is the truth.

God we are praying for all those involved in this unfortunate tragedy. Give them the strength that will guide them at this time. Hold them in Your unchanging love and caring arms. For those that don't know you as their personal Savior, we ask that they will turn their hearts and lives over to You. Thank you Jesus.

This is another reason that we should remember yesterday's thought. Take nothing for granted. We have no idea when it is our turn to go. Please, not only say the words but show the love to all those around you. Today, this minute could be our last on this earth.

God's blessings to each of you,


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