Thursday, November 30, 2006


I sit here aghast at each fresh approach that is encroached upon me with what is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as to how I should believe in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. What is even more alarming is the fact that taking what I perceive to be untruths would in different circumstances give me rise to leave the entire business of God alone.

How thankful I am that my faith can carry me through even the darkest of hours. Realizing that in reality, it is the fact that I know that I know. That that which I do know inside is proof enough to me, but what I cannot prove to those whom are not cognizant to what I feel. How then do I explain my belief?

I look at three men in the Bible. Jesus, the Son of God. Peter one of the 12 disciples, and Saul who was converted on the road to Damascus. All three were teachers of the gospel. Peter walked with Jesus daily and was taught by Him. Jesus Himself after His death spoke to Saul. That would give you assurance that the three could be trusted to be truthful. Why then do not all their teachings line up the same? Ephesians 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one Baptism....John 4:2 Tells us Jesus did not baptize anyone. Peter baptized in the Name of Jesus, Acts 2:38, but this was after Jesus death. Before the death of Jesus the disciples baptized for the repentance of sins. And along comes Saul, who is now Paul who tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:17 'For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.'

Do I write this to confuse you? Surely not, but to give you cause. If we founded a church on any of these principles, that church would be in good standing. Why then did our Lord not make it easier to understand? Certainly it is not confusion unless we make it such. Confusion comes from satan. Why Then?

Jesus told us Himself that He spoke in parables. Matthew 13:10-18...'has been given to you to know the mysteries...seeing the do not see...hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand....blessed are your eyes for they see...your ears for they hear... If you continue to read you will find that when asked to explain Matthew 13: 34-37 Jesus did in fact explain and then in verse 51 He asked 'Have you understood all these things?'

Jesus desires that all should know him. How much do we desire it? The more we walk with Him and seek Him, not becoming comfortable with a limited knowledge of Him, the more we shall grow in Him.

As Christians we cannot accept man at his word. We have to seek Jesus Himself. In such perilous times the only One we can trust is Jesus. As the men and woman of the Old and New Testament did by walking in the ways of the Lord. Before even the laws were wrote, the only way to know the Lord was to know Him.

It is a path that we can guide others toward, pointing them in the right direction. We pray for others and ask them to pray for us; walk with us, and stand with us. It is when we seek Him ourselves that we learn and grow the most. For you to know that you know it is a journey that is walked hand in hand with Jesus. He wants us to ask, He will explain.

God's blessings to each of you,


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