Saturday, November 04, 2006


I was standing at the stove cooking when this thought came to me about today's column (yesterday's now)...have you ever wondered what we would have to talk about if we didn't gossip? I know we don't call it gossip when we are talking about someone to another and just flat ripping the one person apart and I do mean slap dab to shreds. Another way we get around our idea of when we aren't doing any gossiping, God has laid it on my heart, or God told me to tell you about so and so. NOOOO that ain't doing any gossiping at all. Or let me just tell you about what so and so said about so and so. No, it doesn't matter that so and so trusted and had enough faith to open their heart to you and tell you their utmost secrets than only God knows. Thinking that was no way we would betray their faith and trust. Reckon there would be more time for reading, talking, and walking with God?

God's blessings to each of you,


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