Sunday, December 31, 2006


Do you know someone or maybe you yourself did this at one time in your life. You ask the Lord into your life, and then you either don’t get fed, or you don’t heed the food given to you and you slip onto the way side. You know in your heart that Christ answers prayers, but you don’t ask Him. You just try so hard to make yourself happy and the more you do, the more you slip into the waste that is around you.

People who have counseled you, prayed with you and for you, watch and all they can do is stand and wait for your call. You are ashamed to call us, as you are ashamed to face God. How can He forgive this, after you have known what He can do?

Oh baby, you did make the mess but He is waiting to forgive you and welcome you with open arms. Why do we run away instead of running to Him? What does the word of God say to do? Now hold your head up and lets go to the Lord and see what He has to say about it. Lets read His word and see if He says anywhere that if you do this or that I Your God will turn my back on you and never forgive you, I will brush you to the side and never look at you again. Let us look and see what the Father tells us.

We have all heard the story of the prodigal son. He asked and received his share from his father. He went out into the world and lost everything till he had the lowest position a man could have feeding he pigs. As he sat there thinking of eating the very food he fed to the pigs he started thinking. I believe at this point he even wondered if his father could still love him, but what he did know is his father treated his servants well. He would go ask his father to accept him back as a servant, that was all he was asking. As the father saw his son in the distant he ran to the son, but only after telling the servants to start cooking, we are having a celebration. Now while this was happening the good and faithful son was hurt, here is all this excitement for the bad child. But what did the father tell the good one all I have is yours. But look your brother has returned.

We can also look at the story of the Shepard leaving the sheep herd to go LOOK for the one lost sheep. Carrying that sheep back to the fold. Carrying, God not only will look for you He will carry you back to Himself.

The Word tells us He will never leave us nor forsake us. It is us that leave Him, but He is just and right to forgive us. Oh what a good God we serve.

If there is anything today that is keeping you from coming to God, let it go, and if you can’t let it go, then bring it with you. Yes you heard me right bring it with you. As you kneel at the altar of God tell Him I brought this sin along with me. I know it is wrong, but I can’t let go of it. Lord release me from the holds it has on me. I am trying Lord, I am here and I repent, I am sorry what I am doing. Help me Jesus to be all you want me to be, and this I know does not line up with Your Word. Release me today father, release me and set me free. Jesus I thank You for doing what I am incapable of doing, I entrust myself, my life and my problems into Your hands.

Now praise Him with thanksgiving. Praise Him for the Almighty, healing, cleansing God that He is today, yesterday and tomorrow. And if the part of you that you let go shows it self in your life, at the moment you realize it is back, say to it—I gave you to God and at the Name of Jesus you must flee from me, I am delivered from you. Have you heard that song ‘I Fall Down, I Get Up’ well that is what you do if you fall, get right back up. Do this as many times as it takes, until it doesn’t bother you any more. Whether you feel it or not you have given it to God, don’t take it back, claim what you know God can do, not what you yourself can see.

God Bless


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