Friday, December 08, 2006


in Bethsaida (traditional)
~64 in Rome
Venerated in
All Christianity
Major shrine
St. Peter's Basilica
February 22, June 29, November 18
Bald man, often with a fringe of hair on the sides and a tuft on top; book; rooster; keys; man crucified head downwards; man holding a key or keys; man robed as a pope and bearing keys and a double-barred cross; reversed cross

Also known as Simon Ben Jonah/BarJonah, Simon Peter, Cephas and Kepha, original name Simon or Simeon (Acts 15:14). He was one of the Twelve Apostles whom Jesus chose from among his original disciples. His life is prominently featured in the New Testament Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. A Galilean fisherman, he, with his brother Andrew, was literally "called" by Jesus to be a disciple. Above all the other disciples, Peter was assigned a leadership role by Jesus (Matt 16:18; John 21:15-16); and many within the early Church, such as St Clement of Rome, and St Irenaeus mention his primacy.

The ancient Christian Churches, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox, consider Simon Peter a saint, and the first Bishop of Rome.

Some who recognize his office as Bishop of Antioch and, later, as Bishop of Rome hold that his episcopacy held a primacy only of honor, as a first among equals. Some propose that his primacy was not intended to pass to his successors. Still other view Peter as not having held the office of bishop or overseer, on the grounds that this office was a development of later Christianity. Many Protestants do not use the title of "saint" in reference to him.

The Roman Martyrology assigns 29 June as the feast day of both Peter and Paul, without thereby declaring that to be the day of their death. St Augustine of Hippo says in his Sermon 295: "One day is assigned for the celebration of the martyrdom of the two apostles. But those two were one. Although their martyrdom occurred on different days, they were one."The Annuario Pontificio gives the year of Peter's death as A.D. 64 or A. D. 67. Some scholars believe that he died on October 12 A. D. 64.

To be continued.

God's blessings on each of you,

SOURCE: Wekipedia


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