Sunday, December 03, 2006


It doesn't take a lot to make me happy, but I do like the unexpected surprises we get in life sometime. One day my grandson missed the bus and as we were walking the few blocks to school we walked right up on a humming bird. We could have reached out our hands and touched it. It just stayed in one spot for a minute and then flew away. Truly God has richly blessed my life.
Living in America is something else I am blessed with. Born and raised on good American soil. I thank God for this country, and ability we as Christians have in being able to pray for our leaders. My prayers are for them to be guided by God in what they do.We should all pray for our leaders, city, state and country. As one person I might seem to stand alone, but with others praying just a few can change this country and this world. Today I received one of those unexpected surprises in the form of a letter. A while back as I was reading our newspaper, article after article was bashing President Bush. I sat down and e-mailed him to let him know he was being prayed for. I told him that as my President I respected him and the job he was doing and that I felt God was leading him. I went on about my business as usual. Today I opened the mailbox and there is a big brown envelope from Washington D.C. I opened it to see a letter from the President. Okay it is stamped with his signature , but it is to me, from the White House. Saying thank you for my kind words and for remembering him in my prayers. Laura and he send their best wishes. And then he asked God to bless me and continue to bless America.
Now I hope you are aware that people can speak blessings on you. And this blessing from the head of our country. I receive it. What I liked most about it was it was unexpected. I did not do it to get anything in return. And I received more than what I could have expected.God will do that for us, use other people to bless us. Today take a few minutes to pray for our country and our leaders. Look around your neighborhood and pray for those around you. You never know what will happen.

God bless America, home sweet home of humming birds and so much more.


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