Thursday, December 07, 2006


What would our lives be like if there was in fact no God? Whatever happened in life we were on our own. That we only had friends to comfort us, not that they aren't good or there, but a comforter that is beyond belief. Beyond belief, that is what our belief in God is about. He is able to do exceeding above what we can think or dream. Not having to settle for only what we could believe in? I do not want to not believe that this is all there is. I love knowing that beyond all this there is a hope and a promise that is unbelievable to the naked eye. That there is a Supreme Being, Almighty God who loves me so much more, then being merely a speck in the cosmic reality of what the world sees. If there was no God I would have to accept that my life as it is will stay this way, as I am unable to change anything about it at this time. I do not want to continue in pain, and poverty. I want to believe that there is hope when all seems at a standstill. I want to know in my heart that the words I speak are being heard and answered. That someone cares more about me than to say, I am thinking of you. That there is One who desires that all this pass, and even if I do not see better here, I know that in the end I have a beautiful home waiting for me, with no worry's and no pain.
What would our lives be like if there was in fact no God? We would not have the hope that we cling to and endure this earth for. We would seek out pleasures to fill us that would not complete the purpose. We would be empty in the far reaches of our soul.
Let me hold tight to my belief. It is all that I have at this time. Without it I would be lost. A tiny speck in this vast cosmic sphere.

God's blessing to each of you,


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