Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Won't you please share your thoughts with us? We know you are afraid to post on the site. Too many weird, unhappy people out there that might start sending junk to your in box. E mail us privately at momsfirstscreenn@aol.com . If you would like an answer from us or whether you don't, we will honor your request. Please, let me assure you that we will never give out your name or email addy. We may refer or even use your thought, idea or problem on the site but never your personal information.

This is God's site put together by rECj and myself for His glory. Just as we pray each day that we are a blessing to ya'll, you will never know what a blessing you will be to us.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and hopefully enjoy what God has given us to tell about.



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