Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I heard about a new book today it is called “God Winks” by Squire Rushell. The book is about those unexpected nice things that just seem to happen in your life. It finally gave me a name for all those little things that happen in life that make you look up and say, “Lord, You are thinking about me.”

We have all had things happen to us that affected us, with a peace, a joy, and though some would call it a coincident, we know it had to be more than that. One time that stands out in my mind is a beef roast. My money was very tight, and I was on the way to the store with my last five dollars and some change. I had a taste for a beef roast, but knowing that was way over my budget I put it out of my mind. In the store I am looking at the meat and there sits this very nice roast for 3 dollars. It had to be God. I even asked the meat cutter is this right, with one look he said yes. Okay now I need carrots and potatoes and I am all set. I even had enough to treat myself to my favorite soda. As I left the store I looked up and said “God thank you, for thinking of the little things.”

I have also seen it in smaller ways like my beautiful daughter sending me a e-mail that says I love you and it arrives when I am feeling like she doesn’t realize how much I love her. My grandson comes up and lightly trails his fingers down my face, yes I taught him that and it means I love you. But when he does it out of the blue. Oh it just means so much more. God winks.

There are bigger God winks in my life, as there are in yours. God winks are always good, and never expected. But what of the people who give us God winks in our life’s. Why did my friend suddenly come over and hand me an envelope with the exact amount of money I need to pay a bill? Or the people next door moves out and tell not me but my neighbor to take the rest of the stuff and if she doesn’t want it give it to me, and there is the bed that I love so much. Why do people do the things they do. Because God is using them to bless you. It is God’s way of saying see you are loved. And if He does the little things like this then surely we should realize He will do the bigger things for us also.

If you sit down and think about it, you will see many God winks in your life. Ask God to use you to be a God wink in someone’s life today. You will be blessed, as will the person you bless.

God Bless

P.S. LJG was one of the most exciting God Winks in my life, as I know I was to her. We have shared our story before. After 30+ years God brought us back into each other’s life’s. It started with Tamika who gave me a computer; Cindy told me how to get on-line free; I go looking for Carter and here we are today. And that is not even touching on how these people came into my life, which is a very long story. God Winks, those little and big blessings that God gives us when we aren’t even looking; God is surely awesome all the time.


What a blessing rECj was and has been in my life. I couldn't rest til I got the Carter genealogy on line. I had no idea at the time the blessing God was going to bestow on me. When I got that e mail from my rECj it was like the sun started shinning brighter. Little did we know, all those many years ago, that the love we poured out to each then, would last thru our life time. It was a bond of love that only God can give. I thank Him for bestowing such a wonderful blessing in my life.



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