Saturday, June 09, 2007


Good morning, or afternoon to each of you. May God bless you as you read this. I am pleased that you are here.

It is a beautiful day as I sit here and study and read and talk to the Lord. And then I read something that says share that with them. The more I read the more it sinks in and I have to stop and think. I think best when I write as then I can look at my thoughts. So here goes what to you might sound to begin with like the craziest thing I have ever wrote.

God doesn’t need any of us to do anything for Him. What he desires is for us to just love Him. We can reach all the people in the world, but if we are not having the relationship with Him that He desires then we are missing the biggest and best He has to offer.

The most important thing to God is not what we do for Him, but our relationship with Him. I remember months ago I asked LJG I wonder if anyone even reads what we write. No one had left a comment or had asked for prayer. We were able to check because of the wonders of the Internet and find out that yes people are visiting the sites each day. I said thank You Lord, it is nice to know we are reaching someone.

Do we feel that God has led us to do this? Most certainly. There are times when He has lead us to write things that we never would have wrote on our own. He has put it on our hearts to do articles that we thought would be one day and turned into many, many days. He has many times gotten me out of bed to write a thought that comes into my head. LJG has evolved into a one-woman research person for herself as well as for me.

When it all comes down to the wire, no one else can give you the peace that comes from a one on one relationship with God. At one point in my life I had a dear friend tell me you can surround yourself all you want, but it is what’s inside of you that matters. Then again my daughter sat down not to long ago and listened as I told her why I do what I do. She thought why all the time with God, get a life. But God is my life, the more I get the more I want.

We do enjoy doing this, and until God says to stop we will continue. And we love each and every one of you. We pray that you take something away and learn and grow into your closer relationship with God.

At the same time without Him we are nothing. If we had a choice of the sites or God it would not be the sites.

It is only in going to God and meeting Him on a one on one basis that we can learn the real Him. And He does want that. More than anything He wants us to be with Him. Sit down and get comfortable, talk to Him, and then be quite and listen.

You must excuse me now; I am going to have a little talk with Jesus. I hope you do the same.

God Bless


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